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An hour later Jamie was talking to someone at the corridor when Four came to her. When she glanced at him, he said „A word." SHe nodded and wrapped things up.

„I'm all ears." she said curious.

„You need to have a talk with Eric!" he said bit irritated and added „He went over the line today!"

„How come?" she asked. It was Eric they were talking about.

„There was some whispering between some of my initiates and when he made one girl confess he took it out on everybody!"

„He did what?!" was her first reaction.

„10 k run, Jamie!" he said, making her feel relieved he didn't beat somebody into a bloody bulp „It was a run, Four, I don't get what's the big deal.."

„3 initiates are in the Infirmary, Jamie!" Four said „He had no right to do that!"

„He is the leader.." Jaime said but Four said „The rules have changed for everybody, including him. No violence, no forcing."

„Why don't you go and tell him that." she said amused, making him hesitate so she added „That's what I thought." She was amused by the way people thought she was the only one to keep Eric on a leash.

„What was the rumor about?" she was curious.

„About a leader who had killed people in the past." he said cautious.

„Well, that's fucking personal, if you ask me!" she justified Eric.

"I know but he had no right, Jamie!" he said and Jamie sighed „Alright, I'll talk to him." She said and walked away, saying over her shoulder „But you need to get your initiates under control."

„Yeah, on it." he said.

She walked towards his office. She knew that if this incident took place this morning, he'd still be pissed and that's not how she would want him to go to lunch. All the people staring. She sighed. This had to stay in the past, for the sake of their children. These were the peaceful times.

She knocked on his office door and Eric said „It's open!" She walked in, monitoring him. Was he angry? Furious? Sad? About to wreck something? Nothing. If any, he was bit annoyed that he was disturbed. He shuffled some papers and glanced up, seeing his wife coming towards him „Hey honey."

„Hi yourself." she said calm, still looking at him. She stood in front of his desk and played with the pens in the mug. He glanced at her few times, smirking „Missed me?"

„Yeah." she said and put down the pen „So, 10k huh?" He stopped what he was doing and leaned back on his chair, putting hands behind his head and scoffed „Word moves around here pretty quick."

„You know it does." she said and added sadder „Eric.."

„What I was supposed to do, huh?" Eric asked irritated „If word gets out that it was me.... If this gets to our kids... I thought it was in the past, Jamie." He looked her with sad eyes. She walked to him and brushed her fingers through his hair and pulled his head against his chest „I know." He enjoyed the closeness and rested his mind and body against her, taking deep breaths.

„You know what to do." she said after a pause. He pulled away and looked up „I'm not gonna apologize for her filthy mouth!"

„You don't have to." she said and added „Just show them that you appreciate their effort on running the 10k." Eric thought a moment.

„You have to act as a parent sometimes, not as a leader, if you want things to stay in the past." Jamie said. He nodded and looked up with his puppy eyes „What I'd do without you?"

„You'd be you, only meaner and lonely." she said, holding his freshly shaved mug „Don't let that ruin you." She looked at her watch and asked „Ready for lunch?"

„I don't feel like." he said „I have work to do."
„I know. Lets just go and show them that you're fine." she said taking his hand. He looked at her for a moment, appreciating her. „Alright then." he said and stood up. They walked to the Cafeteria where most of them where already eating. The table where the initiates sat went silent for a moment but then resumed talking and eating. He marched cocky to their table with his tray in his hand and sat down at the leaders table. They small-talked with other leaders, Eric randomly gazing over the crowd. He could see all the initiates there. Four saw it and said quietly „All here."

„Did they all finished?" he was curious, still looking at the initiates.

„Every one of them." Four said proud but said cautious „Still.."

„Yeah, I know-I know." Eric rolled his eyes „I'm gonna drop by later." Four was glad and looked at Jamie, nodding to her. She smiled to him.

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