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Jamie woke up feeling calmer, trying to understand why. She smelled Eric's body scent on the pillow and on her. He must have been here at night.

"What is it?" Emma came in looking her behaviour.

"Was he here at night?" Jamie asked.

"Yes." she answered carefully, knowing she'd be pissed.

"No wonder, this man does what he wants!" Jamie scorned him.

"I'm sorry for saying this but you shouldn't be angry at the man who cuddles you second night in a row so you could sleep calmer." she said to Jamie.

"What." Jamie was surprised "I thought.."

"What? Surprised?" Emma asked "What DID you think!" That he's a monster? What has Zane brainwashed you to think?" That got Jamie confused. She shook her head, not wanting to talk about it. Emma realized it and sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed "Listen, I'm sorry that you're going through this. I didn't want to offend you in any way, it's just that you need to keep reminding yourself that what Zane did to you..." Emma couldn't finish, she was out of words to describe the reality of it.

Jamie sighed and nodded, hugging the pillow.

"Ugh, I need a shower!" she said smelling herself and threw her pillow away "And I want the linens changed. He's all over the place!"

Eric woke up from a nightmare himself, sweaty and panting. When he realized it was all a dream, he brushed his hands over his face, through his hair and swiped them over his face again, disappointed, depressed.

He took a quick shower and then went to wake up the kids. They had breakfast as usual and him walking out with them just to get back to their normal routine as possible.

He walked to the Infirmary and before he step in the room, he looked her through the glass. She was just sitting on her bed, looking to emptiness.

"Hey." Emma said walking to him.

"Hey." he said looking at her for a moment, then turned his eyes back to Jamie "How is she?"

"She's fine." she sighed "Physically." Eric looked concerned.

"What's with her?" he asked nodding towards Jamie.

"She woke up, smelling you on her pillow." Emma rolled her eyes "Demanded that we change her sheets and wants to go take a shower."

"So? Let her." Eric said and looked at Emma's hesitating face and sang "Ohhhhh, you're afraid she'll beast out and fled." Emma nodded cowardly. Eric looked back at Jamie, in thoughts.

"Alright. Let me handle her." he said determined and let her in from the door.

"Emma said you've got some demands." Eric said without wishing her good morning. Jamie ignored him. Eric stepped closer and unlocked the cuff from her hand. She looked at him surprised, rubbing her wrist.

"To the shower." he ordered nodding his head towards the bathroom, taking a hold of her elbow and pulled her up. She yanked it off, Eric standing alarmed "Okay, hands off, got it." She started walking towards the bathroom, Eric looking at her back and butt showing from the hospital robe. It took every willpower he had not to grab her in his arms. Her bare skin was so inviting but he knew he had to be careful. On the door she turned around suddenly, staring at him cocky.

"No worries. I'm gonna wait here." he said carefree and added serious "No funny business!" As an answer, Jamie shut the door in his face. He stood still, hearing her turn on the shower and imagined her enjoying it, letting the warmth sink in like she always did. He had admired her numerous times before joining her. Now he just had to live on the old fat. He sighed and stepped away, leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door. 5 minutes later Emma came back with a clean set of clothes.

"Let me." Eric said reaching for them. Seeing her hesitating face he said rolling his eyes "Don't worry, I can behave." and smirked "Although it's so fucking tempting." She handed him the clothes and he quietly stepped in the bathroom, hot steam blowing on his face. He stood in place, his eyes nailed on the see-through shower wall. Her curvy silhouette showing through the foggy glass. His breath was shivering and he felt his body tingling, sweet sensation running through his abdomen to his fingertips and back. Suddenly the shower was shut and Jamie walked out behind the wall, grabbing a towel. Then she noticed him standing there and startled "Jesus!" she jumped and gave him despised look, wrapping the towel around her wet body.

"Clothes." he said staring at her body.

"Stop staring!" she spat. He couldn't, he was compelled like years back. He took a sudden step closer to her and grabbed her in his arms, attacking her lips. Greedy, taking what belonged to him. She slapped his shoulder, trying to pull away and say something, mumbling in his mouth. When she saw that this wasn't helping, she bit his lower lip, making him let go. She slapped him on his cheek "ASSHOLE!" and took the clothes he had dropped on the floor. He had taken a step back and looked at her with a cocky grin, licking his lower lip. For a moment, he had been happy and excited again. Jamie hurried out of the bathroom, seeing Emma walking quickly to her "What happened?"

"This freak kissed me!" she shouted pointing on Eric who was standing on the door, wiping his bloody lip.

"Eric..." Emma frowned disappointed, helping Jamie to cover herself up.

"What?! I couldn't resist!" he said cocky and walked closer to Jamie "I'm your husband and I fucking love you!"

"NO!" Jamie said freaked out "Don't come any closer! I warn you! Stop saying such things!"

"What.. What am I supposed to say then? Huh?" he asked heartbroken and he knew there was no going back "You.. you deny us. Fuck! The kids! They miss you so much I cannot stand to be with them!"

"What?" Jamie asked in complete shock.

"Our kids, baby. Four of them..." he said confused, realizing the dept of Zane's work. Emma stood next to Jamie, holding her hands on her mouth, tears in her eyes. Jamie looked at her, then Eric again, shaking her head in confusion "No...This.. can't be happening..." she said about to crumble down. Eric thought it would be a perfect time to approach her but she held her hand out as a warning "NO! You stay away from me!" Eric stopped in his tracks, clenching his jaw, already knowing where it's heading.

Nadia came bursting in, worried "What's with the yelling people!" and saw how they were and said "Emma." yanking her head towards Eric. Emma nodded and walked to Eric, pushing him towards the door "Lets get your lip cleaned." He tried to push back at first but then let go, his eyes on Jamie, seeing Nadia consoling her.

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