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When they could hear the water in the distant, she slowed down, serious. He stood next to her, glancing at her "You sure?" She looked at him, nodding "Yeah."

"Lets go then." he said and took her hand in his. The sound of the Pit was frightening to her, all that she had read from her diary, came to life. They stood at the bridge, looking down at the water.

"I thought I had lost you that day." he remembered the night she was attacked, leaning his hands on the railing and looked his feet.

"But you didn't." she looked at him. He turned his head on the side, eyeing her.

"You saved me..." she said emotional "You saved me then, you saved me at Erudite.." she said, tears falling "I've grieved you.. And I..." she wiped away tears "...I don't even remember how it felt."  Eric had looked at her and stood straight "Well, of all the things you don't remember, I'm glad you don't remember this." She let out a chuckle, wiping her face clean. He cupped her face "Hey! I remember how you felt when you saw me again." He had Jamie's full attention.

"I was walking back to Factionless, injured." he pointed on his shoulder and took her in his arms "I saw you sitting on the roof." he pecked a kiss on her forehead "You probably couldn't believe your eyes. But when you realised it was me..." he grinned "You ran to me and jumped on me like a crazy person." He chuckle.

"Did you just called me a crazy person?" she asked, pulling away and slapped his shoulder. Eric laughed loud, making the Pit echo.

"Come on, lets go." he said pulling her towards the Cafeteria.

They had lunch together, Eric talking to Four and James, Jamie listened Tris and Lauren talk. He could see that the more she went through things, the more herself she was. He eyed her talking with the girls, smiling slightly.

After lunch they stood near the Cafeteria, Jamie against the wall, him leaning his hand on the side of her head, looking at her. He took a hold of her jawline and kissed her slowly, grinning between the kisses.

"I don't want to go back to work." he said and added quickly.

"You have to!" she chuckled.

"No I don't! I'm the Leader." he said cocky, grinning.

"Really?" Jamie doubted, crossing her arms on her chest. He glanced at his watch, tempted to flip the bird on everything.

He let out a loud breath "No you're right, I need to go."

"I told you." she laughed.

"Yea you did. Come here, smartass." he pulled her closer, smiling, his hands on her hips. He pecked a kiss on her lips and another one.

"Hey lovebirds!" Martin yelled to them suddenly, making Jamie snap her head towards him. Eric looked on the wall, rolling his eyes and then looked at him, grinning. Martin came to them, eyeing Jamie and grabbed her into a hug "Jamie! I'm so glad you're yourself again!" She furrowed her brows, patting his shoulder.

"Almost." Eric said, making eyes to Martin when he pulled away from the hug.

"I know you from...?" Jamie tried to remember.

"Factionless." he said hopefully "Come on! Who can forget this!" he presented his looks to her, making her chuckle and say "Sorry." and added "I'm sure I will remember things soon."

"Lets hope so!" he patted them on their shoulders "We've fought side by side, we've..."

"You were actually the one to beat him when he came to get me after the Erudite take-over." Jamie said.

"Shit! That was fast!" Martin looked both of them surprised.

"No I... I used to write diaries." she explained.

"OOOHh! Cool!" he said "Your own little memoires."

"Something like that." she said smiling.

"Well, it was so good to see you." Martin said friendly.

"Thanks, you too." Jamie said smiling.

"Don't be a stranger!" Martin said, making Eric annoyed a bit.

"I wont." Jamie chuckled, seeing Eric lose his nerve.

"Now that we're alone again.." he said smirking and kissed her. Another notification on his watch disturbed their moment "Fuck.." he breathe out, pulling away from the kiss. He rested his eyes on her, saying teasingly "I guess I'll see you around."

"See ya, Coulter." she said smirking.

She walked back home, thinking about them, smiling to herself. At home she resumed to building her timeline, making notes, trying to put everything together. She took pictures of it so she could gather it before the kids got home. They spend the afternoon together until it was time to go and get Rose from the day care.

She walked towards the day care, eager to see little Rose and say 'hi' to Sarah. She was walking through the corridors, when she suddenly felt weird. Right that very moment strong arms grabbed her from behind, one hand around her waist, other on her mouth. She tried to scream and throw her body around, when a familiar voice said "Shhh, it's me." and let go of her. She turned around "Jesus Eric! You scared the shit out of me!" and punched his shoulders, angry "Don't ever do that to me again!" He then realized he did wrong. He closed his eyes in regret, sighing "I'm sorry." She started marching, trying to get over the shock. He followed her, saying regretfully "Jamie..." but she didn't react. He took few quicker steps and grabbed her by the wrist "Hey, hey, hey." and pulled her to face him "Come here." She gave her an angry look.

"It was a dick move." he admitted "I shouldn't have done it."

"No shouldn't have!" she said pissed.

"Come here." he purred "I don't want to fight with you."

"Me neither." she said calmer, surprised by the way he could calm her.

"Then give me a kiss, baby." he purred. She took a moment to look at him and then gave in. After a moment they continued to walk to the day care, holding hands.

Rose was excited to see her mommy and daddy picking her up together. She ran to them and they took her between them. Rose looked up to them, holding their hands.

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