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Eric speed-walked towards home until he was jogging there. This could have been the missing part. He burst in from the door and hurried to the bedroom without taking off his boots. He kneeled in front of the bed and dragged out a wooden chest Ethan had made on his fieldtrip to Amity farms. He knew she stored all kind of stuff there. He opened it, surprised from the amount of things he had no clue she had kept or owned. Birthday cards, friendship bracelets, old letters, a photo of her parents, the necklace, kids baby teeth, all her positive pregnancy tests with dates written on them, the diary he looked for and to his big surprise, he found ten more of these. He contemplated on peeking inside, but then decided not to. He sighed and took all of them, pushing the chest back to its place.

He looked around the apartment while going out, grabbing along things she'd need, thinking, Soon, she'll be home and everything is back to normal.

He jogged back, seeing Emma in the corridor and they walked to her door.

"It's lunch soon. Should I...?" she started to say when Eric said quickly "You go."

"Okay. What you got in there?" she was curious.

"Her memories." he said victoriously, holding them up.

"Her diaries?" she asked.

"It seems that all ten years of them." he looked at the years written on the backs of the books.

"That's a good idea, Eric!" she said happy and excited "Good luck!"

"Thanks." he said grinning and went in.

"I'm baaaack!" he sang excited, walking towards the bed, panting a bit.

"Did you ran?" she was surprised and amused.

"Yeah." he sat down and looked at the notebooks "It seems that you kept a diary through out the years."

"Have you read them?" she asked concerned.

"Only the one you gave me." he said and kept her from having them, like always, teasing. To her demanding face he answered "Before you start to read them, know this.." he sighed "I'm not perfect and ... we've been through a lot. But we've always survived." She nodded, feeling emotional because the way he said it.. He gave her the diaries and sat on the chair.

She took the first diary and ran the pages through her fingers, seeing it filled from cover to cover with a tiny yet precise handwriting. She started reading the first diary, thirsty for more memories. She gasped, scoffed, shook her head, giggled, glanced at him. Every time she did, he was ready, looking into her eyes with his cocky stare. She had tears in her eyes, realizing, he was always present. Realizing how she got the tattoo on her hip, what role the infirmary had in their relationship, who was Sarah to her, why Emma was that friendly with her and why she felt comfortable with her.

At some point there was knock on the door and Emma stepped in to bring her the tray with lunch.

"Oh, you have company." she said polite but then added chuckling "That doesn't surprise me." putting the tray on the side table. Jamie got up , having new information about her, she felt like she needed to hug Emma, making her startle at first, then hugging her back. When Jamie pulled away, she looked at Emma "Hi, Em." making Emma tear up, realizing that she knew who they were to each other.

Eric had been looking at them, seeing Jamie's ass, since she wore just a t-shirt and panties, reminding him what he had brought along.

"I've missed you so much." Emma cried. Jamie nodded. Putting back pieces didn't mean that she remembered them completely. But she was on her way.

Emma hugged her again and then pulled away from the hug, wiping away her tears. Jamie went to sit back on the bed and Emma said "Well, bon apetit."

"Thanks." Jamie said friendly.

"See you later." Emma said at the door.

"You bet." Jamie nodded and smiled to her. When Emma had left Eric said "I uh... brought you some things from home. He took out a set of clean clothes, all black "Tank top. And pants. For a change." He smirked, looking at her body. She blushed knowing that he probably saw her ass.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." he said, smug smirk on and resumed digging in the bag.

"God you're cocky!" she said rolling her eyes, smirking. "That's what you love about me." he teased and kept digging. When she saw him pulling something out from the bag, she asked "What's that?"

He stopped and said "Something special." and took out that same wooden hair brush he once gave her.

"My hairbrush." she was surprised, her blank stare on it. Every time she had that moment, that stare, a moment of realization, a gasp, Eric was glad. Those were like little gifts, given back to them.

She took it and brushed it few times through her long hair, feeling the sensation, remembering something. She looked at him and said in awe "Thank you."

"You are so welcome." he said pleased and ordered "Now eat." She obeyed, him watching her the whole time.

After she had finished with her lunch, she continued reading, Eric staring her, reading the emotions from her face. He could say exactly on what part of her diary she was. She often let out a chuckle, blushed and glanced at Eric, gasped, smirked, was in shock.

"Are you sure it's mine?" she asked hesitating.

"Yea, who else's?" he said grinning.

"I don't know, my life seems so ..." she said when Eric continued "Wild? Violent? Tough? Yeah. Keep reading."

After some time he glanced at his watch.

"Need to go?" she was curious.

"Yeah." he said "The kids are waiting."

"Of course." she said, eager to read more.

"I'll come by later." he said looking her under his brows, waiting for an agreement.

"Yeah, okay." she said having difficulties to look away from the diary.

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