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After the lunch Jaime and Eric were talking at the corridor when the group of initiates walked by them. They stopped talking and waited for them to pass, Jaime smiling friendly to them.

„Well, I have to get that shit over with." he said when they were alone again and kissed her.

„See you at home. Love ya." Jamie said, making Eric feel happy. She was her home, she had made his appartment feel like home, she had filled their home with people he loved dearly. Even if he always didn't show it, he loved his family. With those feelings he marched to the gym where everybody were preparing to continue with the trainings. His entering had silenced the crowd, again and they waited him to reach them.

„Before we start, Eric has something to say." Four said and Eric stepped forward „Thank you for the introduction, Four." he threw him a friendly smirk and looked at the initiates again „I wanted to say that I am very proud that you finished the 10 k. Everyone." he gazed over them „You've taken the first step towards becoming a true Dauntless member- testing your limits. Good work everybody!" he clapped few times and said to Four „Continue."

„Okay, you heard the leader!" Four said out loud „Run a lap for warmup." They watched everybody run away and Four said „I dismissed Layla after the lunch."

„Oh, okay." Eric said „I guess I should go and.. uh.."

„Yeah, she should be at the Dorm." he said and Eric said, walking away „Got it."

He walked to the Dorms and knocked on the wall before entering. He found Layla sitting on her bunkbed and was alerted when she saw him and stood up. He saw her swollen eyes and sighed. He saw a little scared girl in her eyes. He had seen it before, with his daughters. They had made him soft.

„Listen, I uh.. I came to tell you that I appreciate you finishing the 10 k." he said carefully and Layla nodded, tears in her eyes.

„Good job." he said „That's what Dauntless do- they test their limits and you showed today that you have it in you what it takes to be a Dauntless." he explained and she nodded, wiping away snot from her nose with the back of her hand.

„Okay?" he asked looking an answer from her eyes. She nodded again.

„Alright then." he said with a new found energy „I guess I'll see you and the others at the gym." and walked away.

So he did. For the next weeks he went to the gym to check on their progress and sometimes joining them in their training, making some girls giggle and admire him. It seemed that there wasn't no-one who hadn't admired him. Layla too stared, but it seemed that whenever Eric was around, she hanged with Zane, him holding his hand around her shoulders. Eric had brushed it off, thinking So there's some romance going on, no biggie. But Layla looked at Eric, not enjoying Zane's attention. One day he noticed her watching him, sad. When the day ended and everybody started to walk away, Eric said to Layla „A word." she nodded and stood in place, waiting everybody to leave.

„Is there something you wanna tell me?" he asked worried but when she looked at him confused, he added „I saw you looking at me sad, are you okay?" She hesitated so Eric said sharp „Look, I know I was bit harsh at the beginning but I need you, everybody to understand that I'm not that person. And I'm trying to leave everything in the past."

„So it was true then?" she asked carefully, taking a step closer to him. He though a moment and then said closer „Lets just say that everyone has a past." She gulped, nodding and placed her hand on his shoulder „I'm not gonna tell anybody." Eric looked her hand on his shoulder, contemplating wether he should threathen her or not.

„Thanks for the concern." she said and walked away. He then realized he didn't get an answer to his question but it was too late.

When he got home, Jamie was already there, preparing dinner. He pecked a kiss on her cheek and stole a slice of cucumber.

„Hey! It's dinner time soon." she slapped his hand and turned around to kiss him properly. They stood there and she asked „Is she alive?"

Eric nodded „She was alarmed and seemed stressed." he sighed „For a moment I saw how scared I have made her feel. She's just.."

„Your father instincts hit you hard?" she assumed and he nodded „I couldn't imagine making my kids feel that way."

„Careful Coulter, your soft side is showing." Jamie warned her, teasing.

„And I'd smash someone's head in for making my baby's feel that way." he blurted out, making her laugh „Here it is."


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