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The way he said it made her feel good, appreciated and calmed her. She felt weird, thinking of what it could be. The magnetic pull. The need to be close, to test if she wants what she thinks she wants.

Suddenly she slowly snuggled against his side, making him lean on his back, holding his arms up, completely surprised by her behaviour, not sure if he should put his arms around her or not. The least he wanted to do was trigger her again. But the way she inhaled deep and exhaled slow, letting her body relax completely, told him that it was okay. It was okay to want to get closer with his wife, to want to comfort her, offer her a strong side to rest and seek consolation. He lowered his arms slowly, breathing trembling from exhilaration and the intimacy between them. She let her body weigh on him, his hands embracing her. She could hear his breathing, feel it blow on her hair, his heart beating strong against the ribcage under her ear. Reminding her about a human life, how fragile it is and how easy is to end one.

"I killed him." she said monotone. There wasn't any guilt in her tone, just stating a fact.

"He was an ass anyway." he mumbled against her hair.

"It's that simple to you?" she sat up, leaning on her elbow to see his face, confused.

"It's that simple." he said slow and confident. Seeing her still confused, he said "He undermined my authority as a leader, trying to frame me of murder and adultery. Should I continue?" he asked that bit annoyed, challenging her. She quickly shook her head and laid down again.

"It's taken care of." he said pleased. Meaning, Zane's meaningless death was swiped under the carpet without questions asked. At least he hoped so. He knew his authority as a leader was influential but he wasn't sure yet about the outcome. He didn't want to ruin this moment by telling her about it, so he just kept it from her.

She put her arm around his torso, making him aroused again. He carefully took her hand and entwined their fingers. She let that happen, looking at his bruised knuckles. It felt right. It made her feel like she had always belonged there. That tiny but powerful feeling she had searched for some time. His body was so tense, radiating heat towards her.

It took everything from him to hold back. He fought the temptation, not wanting to fuck things up again. He had promised himself to take things carefully. Yet, there he was on the verge of destruction, at complete take-over. He couldn't notice any sign of repulsion. On the contrary, he sensed her being willing and her body screaming to be touched, handled. He hesitated for a moment if it was his own state that let him see her like that. Or was it her plan to get him off guard and end him, like Zane had brainwashed her to do. He would have let her. At that moment he would have let her end him. He was that weak.

This was the perfect moment to try and kiss her again. He propped on his elbows, his eyes jumping from her lips to her eyes, still trying to see any sign. None. Her breathing was shivering. He leaned forward and kissed her cautiously. Realizing she let that happen, made him want more. Greedy like he was, he wanted to consume her. He had been doing it in his mind over and over again. He sat up, his lips not leaving hers and grabbed her in his arms, deepening the kiss. He put all in the game with this kiss.

Feeling his needs growing, him getting greedier with every second, she knew she wasn't ready to respond to all of them. Like a concrete wall appearing out of nowhere, she felt that she needed to stop. She suddenly pulled away from the kiss "I can't..." and sat up, panting, covering her face with her palms. Eric laid on the bed, panting, trying not to get too frustrated or at least not to show it to her. He clenched his jaw, breathing audible through his nose, nostrils flared.

"I'm sorry.." she said guilty.

"It's okay.." he let out a frustrated chuckle and dragged the corner of the blanket on him, trying to hide the obvious "I'm not gonna make a move on you until you ask for it." There was no way he'd survive any more such teasing.

"Hey.." he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. When she looked over her shoulder, he said it more confident "It's okay. Come here." She let him pull her back in his embrace, hearing his heart beat settle.

"I wish I could remember everything." she said sad and helpless.

"You will." he said determined and calm "Eventually you'll find your way back to us." As soon as he had said it he jumped up "Holy shit!" startling Jamie.

"What is it?" she asked confused.

"That's it!" he said excited "Jamie, your diary!!!"

"I wrote a diary??" she was surprised.

"Yes!" he said standing up, adjusting his pants. Now that they had kissed, she started to see him differently. She started to see everything she had liked about him. He turned to face her, smirking and said "I'm gonna fetch it for you."

"Okay." she said blushing. His groin was still bulging from their make out session. She wondered how often he had been standing in front of her like that. Or behind her, breathing on her neck. How often had they teased each other like this.

"Be right back." he grabbed his stuff and walked away. She looked at his wide shoulders swinging back and forth as he walked out, his boots making a squeaking sound.

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