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There was a child being delivered into the world on a stormy night, in year 2162. A child who felt abandoned the second he was out of his mothers womb where he had enjoyed his time with his twinbrother. The feeling of abndoment when his life wanted to leave his body and the voice that he had heard through out the nine months was taking him somewhere and slowly fading away. The feeling had stayed with him his whole life, except, he couldn't explain it. Until the Bureau where he had lived all of his life, was attacked and the truth was out in the open. That he was abandoned by his own parents- the voice he somehow remembered and was saved by a Bureaus spy. He was raised by them, like their own, being the everybodys kid, who everybody knew but no one took as their own. He was smart and educated, most probably to be the next spy to send to Chicago. But then things changed and he found out that he was rare, divergent. When he spent weeks, months in the Intelligence, learning about the people in Chicago, he happened to see a footage of Eric and Erin, feeling somekind of weird connection. When he dug deeper, he found a footage of the day he was born. He confronted the Bureaus leader and was told the truth. He dug deeper and the more he found out the more he wanted to destroy Eric. He learned how to fight and handle weapons. He learned everything about Eric, his family and past. His logic and traits, everything he could in the name of success when the time was right. Over the years he had few breaking points where he would have wanted to storm out and invade Chicago and kill Eric with his bare hands. But the Bureaus leader always calmed him down „Zane, you're not ready.", „That's not the right way, Zane. If you want to succeed, take time, make him think he's succeeded.", „You can't just barge in, you need to be wiser. Inspect, monitor, infiltrate." So he did.

Finally he was ready. He fled, like he had been a prisoner there. He walked through the village he was supposedly kidnapped and walked to Chicago. It took days, but when finally the rooftops of the scyscrapers were no seen with bare eyes, he felt motivated than ever. When the guards rushed to capture him, he lifted his hands up „I come in peace! Please!" and dropped on the ground, like he was weak. The guards came out of the SUV and grabbed him by his arms and dragged to the car.

He was escorted to the headquarters and given some water. He thanked the one who gave him that and asked „What is going on here? Why am I held here?"

„You will be questioned. That's all I can say." the assistant said and left. He wondered if he'd meet him. His twinbrother. How'd he react? After some time he heard some talking and the door opened. Eric walked in, confident as always „I'm sure you have places to be, too, so lets make it quick." he said tapping his tablet and glanced up. He was clearly in shock, mezmerised, confused. Yes, brother... it's me, Zane thought staring Eric back with his icy blue eyes. He had prepared for that moment so long and now it was there.

As he assumed, Eric gathered himself quickly. He had always done it. Just switching everything off. He questioned Zane briefly, trying to figure him and his agenda out. Zane acted perfectly innocent, as a victim of a kidnap, pure as a Divergent would be. If he only knew.

Zane was promised to stay and he was relieved how easy it was. Now he had to actually infiltrate in, act like a proper citizen. He was given a mediocre room and a lowest job there was. But it didn't matter. He was ready to deal with it. What was few weeks compared to years of witnessing Eric thrive and being happy, in love. Nothing I can't handle. And then the fun begins when I join the Dauntless on a choosing day.

Meanwhile he had to find the spy who was still working in Chicago, to get some intel.

Choosing Day. They still had them, but differently. It was a ceremony with a speech and choosing the faction. It was a celebration, people where happier, knowing they would still see each other.

Zane gazed over the crowd, seeing the spy who helped him to adjust, Harold, standing at the back, nodding barely noticably.

This is it. Big brother, I'm coming for you,he thought choosing Dauntless, people cheering for his choice. Going to the compound was exactly like he had seen on the surveiliance- they still had to climb up and get on the train, jump off the train and jump into the hole. He hoped to meet his brother on the roof, it would be an epic place but instead of Eric was Tris. He had gotten to know her too.

He jumped off 5th and was greeted by Four. Everything he saw, he already knew. They had a tour and then Four talked about the arrangements when Eric walked in there, gazing over everybody. As soon as their eyes met, Eric had a weird face on which he brushed off quickly.

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