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He opened the wide doors to her, letting her in. She stood in place, inhaling the certain smell "Oh I can smell the pain and fear between those walls!" making Eric chuckle.

"Come!" he was eager to begin the trainings. He took off his vest, putting it on the table that was against the wall, glancing at Jamie.

"Okay, start with a warm-up. Run from here to there and back." he said to her. She started jogging and seeing that he didn't join her, she asked, running backwards "Aren't you coming?"

"You go ahead, I have some important things to do." he said leaning against the wall, shooing her away with his hand. She jogged a small circle around herself, seeing that he was staring at her ass and chuckled "My ass isn't that important!" making him chuckle and bite his tongue.

"It is." he said looking at her dreamy.

"I dare you.." she challenged him, starting to run backwards again. As soon as she had said it, he jolted up and zoomed after her, making her squeal. She ran as fast as she could and for some time it seemed that he couldn't catch her, but then he ran even faster, like a beast. He took the last stride and grabbed her in his arms "Caught you!", panting in her ear. She let her head lean back on his shoulder, trying to catch her breath. Suddenly she threw her feet in the air, making him fall on his back with a thud. He gathered himself quickly and grabbed her ankle when she tried to get up. She kicked her restrained foot free and ran away, hiding behind the nearest column. He got up, surprised by the way things had turned out. He walked towards her, looking around, trying to spot her "Come out, come out, where ever you are!" he sang. Hearing this made Jamie have flashback from the night of the war game. She stood in place, her stare blank.

"Kittycat!" he sang, teasing her until he saw her standing in place "There you are!" making her startle. She looked at him standing in place. Something in his face let her know of his attentions and she started to back away. He followed her slowly at the beginning but quickened his walking until he was running after her. She ran as fast as she could but again his beastly running decreased the distance between them with every second. She ran to rest near the table where they usually kept knives, panting and supporting her hands on her knees. He stopped running when he was about five steps from the table saying "Tired already? The fun just began."

She stood up and was waiting his next move. He now stood right on the opposite side of the table, staring her under his brows, panting slightly. He took few quick steps on the side but as soon as he saw that she moved to the opposite way from him, he moved back and so did she. He tried the same thing on the other side but gave up. Then he jumped on the table and slid himself over it, making her squeal and run away. He was right behind her and caught her, holding his arms around her shoulders and his chin on her shoulder "Caught ya!" She tried to get free but his grip was too strong this time. She yanked her body few times but no use.

"Are you ready for some training?" he asked panting "Now that we're warm enough." She nodded chuckling. He let go of her, pecking a kiss on her neck "Come on."

"Were the warm-ups always that fun?" she asked walking next to him. He glanced at her and smirked "Nah, we made you run few miles. This..." he pointed over his shoulder "...is privilege."

"I feel so special!" she joked.

"I wish you and me had more fun at the beginning but I guess we were busy kicking each others asses." he chuckled.

"You mean, you kicking me in the Infirmary." she added and they laughed.

"Okay." he said his leader mode on "Lets start with the basic moves." he showed some swings and hooks to her. She admired his physique and he knew it. He had her repeat all the moves few times, going quicker and smoother, soon realizing that she remembered more than she acknowledged. He showed her more moves, already challenged of how much she'd remember. The more moves she showed to her, the more she remembered and the more she wanted to continue.

After 2 hours he said pleased "Alright that's enough for today!"

"Noo!" she whined.

"Baby, it's late. I need to work tomorrow!" he said, making her mope.

"Hey!" he said more strict, getting her eyes on him now, he warned "Don't make me carry you home."

"You wouldn't..." she said in disbelief, letting out a scoff.

"Oh yeah?" he asked seeing her act like that and crouched down, grabbing her legs and lifted her on his shoulder and gave a slap on her ass "Watch me!" She giggled almost the whole way to home, amazed how strong he was. He let her off from his shoulder when they reached to their apartment door. She admired him as he was digging his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. They sneaked in like high school kids, and took off their boots chuckling and giggling, hushing each other. They walked in the bedroom feeling completely worn out.

"You were right." Jamie said sliding off her pants "I'd be dead if we had continued training."

"Told ya." he said smirking, taking off his vest and checking some notifications from his tab. He glanced at her, saying "You can go take a shower. I uh... need to deal with this for a moment."

"Okay." she said bit disappointed. She took a quick shower and was out before Eric had finished.

"That was quick." he said surprised and said annoyed, tapping on the screen "This takes forever."

"No worries." she said and took one of her diaries "I'll read this." When he finished, he took a quick shower too. He walked out "Man it was refreshing..." he stopped as soon he saw Jamie sleeping, holding the diary in her hand. He sighed and took the diary, placing it on her nightstand. He walked to his side of the bed and laid next to her. Hearing her breathe next to him was so calming that he fell asleep instantly.

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