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Eric's next step was to go back to torturing Zane but on his way there he remembered a place he had wanted to go for some time. He needed this. He felt guilty for promising his kids something he wasn't able to do- be together as a family. As the older kids were at school out of Dauntless, he was standing behind the window at the day care, looking at the playing toddlers, looking for his own. As soon as he spotted his little Rose, he felt his aching heart burst with happiness. He wanted to stay there for a while, just to monitor her doing little important things. Just to take this calm moment before she would notice him and then would start raining questions. Questions he didn't know how to answer. Answers that would be a lie. He couldn't tell their kids that they almost lost mommy. That mommy most likely wouldn't recognize her own children and that their mommy wanted to kill their daddy.

Maybe it's for the best if I just walk away.., he thought and was about to turn away from the window when the teacher noticed him and smiled to him, waving.

„Fuck..." he mumbled but then nodded back to her. She told something to Rose and pointed at Eric.

Too late now.., he thought and walked in, everybodys eyes at him.

„Daddyyyy!!!" Rose cheered and ran to him. He crouched down and grabbed her into a hug, kissing her hair and inhaling her smell, mumbling „Hi, babygirl." He looked up in the ceiling, thinking That's what I needed...

„What an honour is to have you here, sir." the teacher said to him and added looking everybody „Kids, greet our leader, Eric, Rose's dad."

Everybody looked at him and said in unison „Hello, Rose's dad." making Eric chuckle, thinking, Best title ever. He gazed over their little faces, the future of Dauntless, Chicago, holding Rose by the hand. Then she started to pull him to follow her and showed her toys and drawings, Eric brushing her hair and said „That's awesome, little one." The truth was, he didn't see anything besides her happy face, heard her voice, compelled by her, taking in everything she was.

After some time talking to the teacher, holding Rose in his arms, he said „Well, thank you for accepting me and I personally look into that the requests are met."

„Thank you." the teacher said and added „I'll give you some privacy." As soon as she had left, Eric looked at his daughter, smiling sweet to her.

„Daddy?" she said quietly, playing with his west collar.

„Yes, sweetheart?" he asked enjoying their moment, her tiny finger tickling his neck.

„Where's mommy?" she asked sad. There it is... he closed his eyes in regret. He sighed.

„Mommy isn't feeling well, babygirl." he said and added as soon Rose started crying „But the doctor is taking very good care of her and she will be with us soon. Okay, baby?" Rose nodded.

„Now give daddy a hug." he demanded, barely holding it together. She slapped her tiny arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder.

„Daddy's here." he soothed her not knowing who needed the soothing more, him or Rose.

„When will you come home?" she mumbled against his neck. When will it be over... It could take time...

„I'll call you later, when I know more, okay." he said and pulled away from the hug, looking an agreement from her eyes. She nodded.

„Alright then." he said placing a kiss on her forehead and put her down „Go have fun."

As soon as he walked out he was serious and sad again, taking a moment leaning against the wall. How the fuck am I going to beat Zane after all that?? How the FUCK ... Ugh I need a shower.

He walked to their apartment. It was cold and lonely in there. Jamie and the kids were his home. At the moment he felt homeless. He sighed and took off his boots. He walked straight to their bedroom, taking off his clothes, leaving a trail behind. He went to the bathroom and stepped under the shower. The water was cold at the beginning, cause no one had been opening the tap for few days. The kids had been at Sarah's. As soon the water was warm enough, he stepped under it and let the warmth sink in, enjoying it, his head leaned back. He remembered the times he and Jamie had had fun in there. Soon it'll be the same. He ran his hands through his wet hair and leaned his hand on the wall, letting the water flow over him.

After some time he took his toothbrush and continued standing in there. It was his favourite way to shower. As he was finished brushing his teeth, he quickly washed his body and hair. He stepped out after a quick rinse and stood in front of the mirror, staring into his own eyes, lost in somewhere. His eyes were icy blue, like Zane's. He had to admit it, there was few similarities in their faces, wether he liked it or not. He didn't. The aching feeling of disgust was back, making him hurry so he could go to the cellar again. He dressed quickly into one of his leader uniforms, feeling glad that Jamie had taken care of it few days ago. He went back to the bathroom and applied some deodorant and ran his hands through his hair few times, applying hair gel.

„Ah fuck it..." he said and walked out, grabbing things on his way out.


Alright guys, another chapter published. This one was kind of my favorite. Eric as dad, showing us what this cold and cocky exterior was hiding under. A very personal view to the leaders life. His love for his youngest kid. Seeking consolation from her. I promise, there's more to come!

Happy reading!

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