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She jolted up from her nightmare, sweaty and panting, looking around her, on the verge of tears.


"Morning." Eric said monotone. She looked at him, seeing him take another exercise pose and hold it. Completely calm, inhaling, exhaling. He only had boxers on so it seemed Jamie felt compelled to sat on the edge of the bed to admire his body.


"Like what you see?" he asked with a low sultry voice that woke her up from her moment. She nodded and looked for the alarm clock "What time is it? Why are you up already?" Before she could reach it, he answered "It's only 6." and took another pose making his muscles flex "You were having a nightmare so I kinda had no choice." She tilted her head to see him better but shook her head, saying "I'm sorry."


"It's alright." Eric said and stood up, walking to her. "I've been neglecting my morning routine for far too long." taking her hand and pulling her where he was doing my workout. He tried to pick her up but she was uncertain and took a step back, blocking his arms with hers.


"Relax." he said going close to her "Trust me."


"What are you doing?" she asked unsure what he was about to do.


"Just, let me pick you up." he said taking comfortable position and after a moment she let him.


"Stay still." he warned when she was struggling with being lifted up. He straightened his arms up in the air and supported her stretched out body with his palms. It took a half minute for her to completely relax and float there, breathing in the same rhythm as him.


After a moment he started slowly bending his arms and slid her in his embrace. So close , he thought, ...only two layers of fabric between us. She began to tremble, probably realizing how bad this could have ended if he'd let her fall. As an answer to that he said "I would have never let you fall." and kissed her.


"Good to know." she said, clearing her voice. She put her hands around his torso and hugged him. For a moment he hugged her back.


"Can I have my legs back now?" she asked after a moment, looking at him. Eric shook his head and let her fall on the bed. She propped on her elbows, looking at him backing to the door and locked it, smirking. He dived on the bed, sliding his hands under her t-shirt and slid it over her head, kissing his way up. She jolted every time his lips touched her skin, making him go insane. But he knew he had to take it easy. They made love slowly. He wanted it to last. She tasted so sweet and soft, he could've stayed kissing her till he passed out but her moans and cries interrupted it and he was left with swollen lips, looking at her riding off the edge. He was right behind her, collapsing right next to her panting and shivering body, panting himself. He would have wanted to go for another round. It wasn't enough for him, he wanted more and more, knowing already what she's capable of. But to her, it was like the first time. So he had to be patient with her. He got up, unlocked the door, then covered her with a blanket and laid beside her, pulling her on his chest. She hummed, out of pleasure, pleased. Home.


She dozed off soon, tired from her nightmares. He stayed awake, his mind was awaken, his body was on fire, his mood was elevated. He had been on a survival mode so long that even if they still had problems floating above their heads he didn't see any trouble in solving these. I just have to tell her.


Some time later he heard familiar footsteps pattering towards their bedroom and the door opening. He waited her to climb on the bed and said "Good morning."


"Mommy!" she said in awe, climbing over Eric, like he didn't exist. He let out a chuckle and made room for her. He turned on the side, admiring those two. Jamie was still asleep, although Rose was pecking kisses on her face and tickling her. It seemed like she hadn't slept for ages.


Slowly she started to shift and opened her eyes, murmuring to Rose "Morning." seeing Rose so happy, she added "I told you I'll be here." receiving a hug from her. Soon it was time to get up and get going. They got up and made some breakfast together.


"I'll take her." she said when he was getting ready to leave and asked Rose to be ready.


"You sure?" he asked towering over her, looking her with a certain stare. He wanted her to know what he was thinking about, what he wanted, how she makes him feel all the time.


"So lunch at the Cafeteria then?" he asked, trying to brush off the feeling.


"I'll be there." she said looking up, waiting. He kissed her, like it was the last time he'd do it. It seemed so hard to leave home that day, but duty called. At least till he got the most burning matters out of the way.

Playing With FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora