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Saturday morning. They laid in bed, awake, talking about things, daydreaming, Jamie in his arms when they heard the kids wake up. She started to prepare to be decent and to greet whoever was awake.

"It's Rose." he said smiling "Listen." They heard her tiny feet walking to their door.

"Yeah, it's her." Jamie said dreamy when the door opened.

"Good morning." they said in unison, watching her climb in their bed. Jamie could see he was trying to keep the blanket on his groin, clearing his voice.

"How did you sleep, sweetie?" Jamie decided to get Rose's attention. Rose told them about her dream, while they exchanged stares.

"That's so sweet." Jamie said in adore and Eric suggested "Hey, sweetie, why don't you go and watch some cartoons while mommy and daddy get up."

"Yes! Cartoons!" she said and was already leaving.

"Remember, the big red button, okay." Eric reminded her, his arms already snaking around Jamie, making her giggle.

"I needed her out of here." Eric said close to her ear.

"Cause we're naked?" she asked dreamy, letting him peck kisses on her neck.

"No.." he said, feeling her out, his eyes on her, looking her reacting to the touch. Suddenly another door was opened and closed, making Jamie alarmed.

"We need to get up." she said.

"No..." he didn't agree. Seeing her pushing him away, he turned on his back and sighed.

"Parenting, ay?" she chuckled.

"Yeah.." he rolled his eyes and got out of the bed, Jamie's eyes following him.

"Plus..." he walked around the bed, tapping his ipad "I need to go to work."

"Today?" she asked sad.

"Sadly, yes." he said putting it down on the dresser.

"That sucks!" she whined.

"I know." he said, giving her a kiss "It's only for a short time. I promise, I'll be free by lunch."

"Okay." she said still sad.

"Or...Why don't you come with me." he said, preparing to go to take a shower.

"Really?" she asked surprised.

"Yeah." he smiled "I could show you your office."

"Okay, YES!" she said excited and got up.

"After you then." he pointed at the bathroom. They took a quick shower and got ready. After breakfast they went to the office area, hand in hand. As he was unlocking his office door, he nodded out "There's yours."  He held up the key for her. She took the key and unlocked the door. She pushed it open and looked around, walking slowly. She walked behind the desk and looked things on it, brushing her fingers over the memos surrounding the computer screen, reading the notes on it. Eric  came from his office and stood at the door, there eyeing her. She sat on the chair and slid her hands over the desk on the sides, then opened the first drawer, looking things in it, then the second drawer. He smirked remembering the events with the desk.

"What?" she asked grinning. He walked to her, grinning "This desk has a lot of memories."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah." he said smirking "A lot of fooling around." making Jamie blush. His radio that he had left to his office, started to chatter, pulling their attention to it "Eric, come in."

"I'll uh... let you reminisce for a moment." he said pointing towards the door.

"Okay." she said. He left to go to his office, she could hear him answering the radio but the surroundings were too intriguing for her to want to listen what he was talking about. She looked around, seeing the view, some stones that probably the kids had found somewhere were placed on the windowsill. She went through more of the drawers, finding some old scribbles and photos. Some random documents on the table, some binders. At one moment she heard someone walking in the corridor and knocking on Eric's office door. She went to the door to hear more.

"Come in." she heard Eric say and the door opened.

"Good, you're here." Martin said walking in "Here's the final paperwork before Jamie's trial."

"Not now." Eric said looking at the door behind him, seeing Jamie standing there. Martin turned over "Jamie! Hi." he said in a nervous manner.

"What trial?" she asked confused, looking at Eric "What he's talking about?" making Eric roll his eyes, cursing this fool for not being able to keep things discreet.

"Tell me!" she demanded.

"Leave!" Eric said irritated, looking at Michael, waiting him to leave.

"Of course." Michael said and quickly placed the documents on his desk, mumbling "Sorry." When he had left, Eric sighed "I got an email the other day. From Candor." he hit his stare on her before continuing "They wanna hold a trial."

"What?" she asked in shock, panic sneaking in "I thought you handled this!"

"I thought so too." Eric sighed, looking at the papers and said irritated "But Candor and, of course, Amity want to know every aspect of the truth!" he hit the papers on the desk. Seeing him so irritated, she really started to panic, thinking what will come of this, what they'll do to her... As soon as he noticed it, he sighed and softened "Hey... We'll get through this." She looked past him.

"Hey! Look at me!" he said louder, taking a hold of her neck, looking straight in her eyes, determined than ever "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you! Okay?" She didn't answer so he asked again "Do you hear me?" She nodded.

"Did you had a chance to look around?" he tried to change the subject. She nodded but asked "What's on those papers?" she pointed on the documents that Martin had brought.

"It's just all the witnesses and statements we need for the trial." he said and asked "You wanna look these through?" She nodded.

"M'okay." he said and gave her those. She read through the text, hungry for some information. He sat down, minding his own business, glancing at her.

"When did you had time to do this?" she said in amaze, making him chuckle.

"I have people for this." he said confident "The whole team of people. Everything will be alright. She looked at him for a moment, trying to read him, then gave him back the documents.

"Okay?" he asked, trying to see agreement in her eyes. She nodded.

"Ready for lunch." he asked with a new energy.

"Yes." she said "Should we go get the kids or prepare something at home?"

"Nah, lets go out." he said and added "I already texted Sarah to fetch the kids from home."

"Okay then." she said.

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