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Eric walked to him widening his arms and shouted out „Welcome, my friend!"

„I'm sorry there isn't any better conditions for such a get-together." he said theatrically.

He saw the spy looking confused at him, horrified „Why I'm here? What have I done wrong?"

Eric had looked him with amusement and suddenly laughed loud „Holy shit! I could almost believe you!" making the spy even more scared.

„Harold, isn't it?" Eric asked from him and he nodded „Y-yes."

„Well, Harold!" he said his name extra loud , looking at the file, glancing at him „I think you and I will have a little talk."

„About what?" Harold was confused „I'm not sure I follow. Please!"

„You see, I don't believe you." he said calm and sat down, opposite to him and placed the tab in front of him to show him the footage „According to our inteligence, you do." Harold looked at it, shaking his head.

„Start talking!" Eric said loud.

„This isn't me!" he said and added „You confuse me with somebody else!"

„BULLSHIT!" Eric shouted hitting his palms on the table, making Harold startle.

„There's no going back, old man." Eric said, his nostrils widened „I know you're a spy, I just need the details." Harold was quiet.

„Why did you stole that baby in 2162?" he asked and added „Remember? Stormy night, Erudite, a baby with an anomaly?" Harold was still quiet.

„What is your goal?" Eric continued, trying to stay calm. He got a new message saying that they found a footage proving Harold has a family in Chicago, with all the details.

„It appears you have infiltreted into Chicago very thoroughly." he said still looking at the tab and added „She's cutie." making Harold alarmed. Eric was looking at a picture of Harold's granddaughter. As a father he'd never hurt a little girl. But for the same reason that he endeed was one himself, made him act the way he was. He was a monster and it was time to let the beast out to play. Harold was a threat and Eric was trained to eliminate threats. He glanced at Harold as he took his radio „Bring her in." he said. Harold shook his head, begging „No, please! She's just a little girl!"

„Then start talking!" he demanded. Harold still continued „I know nothing!" Eric stood up, leaning his hands on the table, staring him and said „You must understand that I have no problem hurting you, old man. Then I'm gonna hurt your daughter and your granddaughter!"

„Alright! FINE! I'll tell you!!! Just don't hurt them!" Harold begged and Eric nodded.

„Promise me!" Harold demanded.

„You're in no position to demand things!" Eric said cocky and said calmer „Start from the beginning." Harold nodded, mentally preparing for it. He sighed „I found Zane in the cellar, I used it to get away through there."

„I-I though he was dead and abandoned. He was. I mean who would leave their baby like that.." Harold said, making Eric clench his jaw. My father would.., Eric though.

„So I took him, to bury that poor baby." Harold reminded „But then he started to move and fuss. It's a miracle I say!"

„So you took him to the Bureau?" Eric asked.

„Yes." he answered and continued „He was raised by everybody, highly educated and trained."

„Doubt that but yes, carry on." Eric commented and asked „What is your goal?" Harold was hesitating, so Eric warned him, annoyed „Don't make me act mean to you, old man." Harold sighed.

„Tell me!" Eric snapped „Was destroying my life your main goal? Really?" he asked chuckling cause it was so ridiculous and destined to fail from the beginning. „There were lives lost! Innocent lives, Harold!" Eric said with despise and added „I will make Zane responsible for that girls murder." This was something Harold didn't know and it seemed that he was shocked by the new info. He was in thoughts and sighed. Eric read him like an open book „I'm not gonna lie to you. You are in deep shit, old man." his body leaned towards Harold, his intense stare on him. Suddenly he pulled away and said „I'm sure we can find a solution to your situation." He raised his brows to Harold, challenging him to tell the truth.

„It wasn't our main goal." he said with regret and shook his head, leaning it on his cuffed hands, looking at the table in front of him „Zane clearly took it way too personal."

„Ya think?!" Eric asked irritated „My wife's a lunatic! MY KIDS..!" he took a deep breath „My kids have been on their own cause I was framed for the murder I did not commit! He almost ruined my marriage with the kid he most likely concieved! FUCK! The list goes on!" Harold had been listening to him, regretful. This was definetly not their goal. Eric tried to calm himself before he continued

„I ask you again. What was the goal?"

„The goal..." Harold started to tell quietly when Eric said loud „Speak up, old man!" Harold cleared his throat and said „The goal was to overdrop your leadership and take over the position peacefully." Eric was surprised and thought for a moment before he continued

„Why would you think you'd succeed?" Eric asked „To send some rookie-ass spy here. I mean, he fucked it up completely!" Eric's laugh was disturbing, there weren't anything funny.

„I'm so sorry." Harold said in regret „Bringing pain and sarrow to your family was never the goal. You have to believe me."
„Of course you say that NOW!" Eric said annoyed „Now that I posess your most precious treasure." Eric said with a low voice. „Why would you ever bring them here, behind the enemy lines?" Eric asked. Harold was in thoughts.


Pardon for not updating the story on time. Busy times and some distractions.

Lotsa love.

Happy reading.

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