Chapter 1

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Sebastian's POV

Everything seemed to happen so fast. One day it was the usual, yet somewhat shitty life. Nothing I couldn't handle though. The next day was not.

My mom told me that everything was fine, that she was ok. She lied to me and as much as I hate her for doing that......I can't blame her. I know she had her own demons and destructive thoughts racing around in her head, but I never expected her to act on them.....taking her life with it.

Kids never think about their parents dying while they're still kids. I never thought that my mom would just be gone like that. I had so many questions. Like why did she do it? Why now? Why not next week or month or year? Why leave me? Did she hate me? Was there something wrong with me?

I know I shouldn't think like that. I can tell how much she loved me, how much I helped her get by. Maybe it's my fault for not being there for her when she needed me most. I just had to go out and drink away my thoughts. I just had to be a selfish brat. Maybe I deserve all this pain......maybe I deserve more.

I don't want to go to school today, but my mom would say otherwise. Or at least she used to and I shouldn't tarnish her memory like that. Walking down the halls of Dalton felt like I was walking into one of those big freezers, where the air is cold and the noise muffles everything else and you just feel weirdly numb inside. Today was going to be a long one, I can tell.

As I was making my way to lunch, not that I was really hungry anyway, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I wasn't in the mood for socializing, but it would be rude to straight up ignore them. Especially when I realized who it was.

"Sebastian......are you ok?" Hunter asked me, looking a bit kinder for once. I see what he's doing.

"I'm fine. I don't need your pity." I said before trying to walk away, only for him to follow next to me.

"I know. I just wanted to check on you."

"Why? Just because I defended you on the fake drug scandal doesn't mean we're friends." I said, turning to give him an annoyed look so he'd leave me alone.

"It doesn't matter if we're friends.......but I know what it's like to lose a mom." He said, making me stop in my tracks for a moment.

"Really? Or are you just trying to get on my good side?"

"I'm serious. The circumstances may be different, but the pain is still the same." He told me and I just shook my head.

"The pain is not the same. Now leave me alone." I told him before swiftly heading into a nearby bathroom which he thankfully did not follow behind me. 

I ended up not eating lunch, trying to focus on my studies instead in hopes of distracting my mind from darker thoughts. Surprisingly class passed by quickly when I tried to actually do work. Who knew?

I exited my last class of the day and was walking to Warbler practice even though I didn't really want to go. Though since I was captain, I kind of had to I guess. Hunter came around a corner and joined me, trying to make small talk, but I wasn't really paying attention. Though I probably should have as I ended up suddenly bumping into someone.

"Hey watch it........oh." He said, giving me a strange look once he saw my face. 

"Sorry. Maybe next time you should look too." I said, clearly knowing he was looking down at his phone a second ago instead of his surroundings.

"See you still got some sass after your mom kicked the bucket." He said and I was surprised he knew about that. I was more just surprised he said it so casually.

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