19 | Double Tap Bitch

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A/N — Nate's outfit.

Nate waltz back in my closet and double-checks what I've packed in the duffle bag, satisfied he closes up the bag and slings it on his shoulder.

Reading the blueprint again, "you remember the plan right? I've noted where the blind spots are regarding the cameras and where the guards are situated. The blue marker is the route we're going to take which will safely get us out and back in without being caught."

He nods, "yes, I contacted Hugo and he said he left the car parked two streets over and left the keys in the glove box."

I glance up at him, "you locked my door? Were Mez and Felix still out there?"

He sighs, "yeah I locked it and yes they're still out there. I'm worried about them, they're not idiots love, we can't be out too long."

"Relájate, estaremos bien. Lo prometo, solo estamos examinando los muelles asegurándonos de que Vadim no interfiera." I hum.

(Relax, we'll be fine. I promise, we're just scoping out the docks making sure Vadim doesn't interfere)

"Yo sé amor, ¿qué pasa si él está ahí?"

(I know love, what happens if he is there?)

I shrug, "we kidnap him and take him to one of our hideouts and get some answers."

I watch him reluctantly nod, I know he's worried but it only comes to that if Vadim shows up. I haven't seen him take any shifts around here as guard yet, maybe he's still pissed about me ratting him out to Andrè's father.

Eh, I don't give a shit.

I'm hoping he does show up tonight. I've been itching to get my hands on him and torture him slowly, watching him bleed and beg me to stop.

Now is not the time to get blood crazy Valentina.

I shake the blood craze thoughts out of my head, I divert my gaze in Nate's direction. Slowly walking over to him I give him a quick kiss on his forehead, "Ready sweet cheeks?"

He grins, "Always."


We successfully make it to the car that Hugo left for us, I fish the keys out of the glove box and put it into the ignition, the car comes to life.

Pulling out of the spot, we head to the docks. Nate opens the duffle bag and pulls out some earpieces and hands one over to me. I swipe it out of his hand and put it in my ear, turning it on I test it out, "testing, can you hear me?"

"Yeah it's good, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, all good Nate. Remember you're only on the lookout for me, I'll sneak around and see what I can find and make sure the drop-off is successful without any hiccups. I pray that Luciano sent his men and hopefully I don't run into him tonight." I rush out.

"Got it. I hope for your sake he's not there Val." Nate grumbles next to me, his leg bouncing up and down.

As we near the docks, I turn the headlights off and pull off to the side parking a bit of distance not wanting to make our presence known. Nate hands me my mask before he slides his on, we silently get out of the car.

I motion to one of the buildings that overlook the docks and signal to the roof, he nods his head and makes his way to the building.

I observe as he climbs up one of the fire exit ladders and scales onto the roof, positioning himself close enough to see the docks without being seen.

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