Thirty-One: Man On the Prowl

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My knee bounced like a madman as we drove to the Carson's house. We figured we would stop there first since Daniel knew them personally, considering the relationship he had with Mickey before. The rain had not slowed down and it didn't seem like it would in quit in a while, making the roads icy and the weather fucking miserable.

The whole fucking issue was giving me horrible anxiety and I was having a hard time focusing on what was happening around me. Lots of deja vu was fogging my memory, little pains in my hand shooting here and there from when I had gotten my stitches. Phoebe has been trying to reassure me that everything would be fine, but I couldn't hear him. Every once in a while I would nod just so he would think I was paying attention, when in reality I was wondering how Daniel could've ran off so quickly. 

I should have been more affectionate and sympathetic when I had the chance to earlier. In my defense, the news of Daniel having Aids was extremely shocking, my mind was trying to wrap my head around the idea that Daniel was, in fact, extremely ill. On the other hand, Daniel did lash out at me when I tried to reach out to him and completely shut me off, giving me no choice in helping him or not. 

Neither of us were expecting the news, and I don't think either of us were expecting it to be as serious as it is. Daniel and I were being irrational for different reasons. 

My hand gently ran over the bump in my pocket. I knew bringing the ring would be a bad idea, but I wanted Daniel to have it. We just needed to find him first... 

The car came to a stop and I exited as soon as I could, without a care in the world other than trying to find my significant other. I got to the door and didn't even have to knock, the door swung open and a look of concern crossed Elliot's face. 

"You don't come here by yourself," Elliot commented, his voice sounding too calm. 

I shook my head as I entered the house, "no, I do not." 

"What's wrong?" Julian's voice asked as he walked up, his arms crossed over his chest. 

My eyes locked with his. "How can you tell something's wrong?" 

"You look like shit," Julia flatly stated. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I feel like absolute shit." 

"Where's Daniel?" Elliot asked. 

"That's a fucking great question," I responded. 

Julian's arms dropped. "What do you mean, Freddie?" 

"I don't know where Daniel is," I said, feeling myself about to lose it once again. "He disappeared." 

"WHAT?!" Elliot and Julian shouted at the same time. 

"What did you do this time?" Julian followed up. 

"I didn't do anything!" I snapped. "Daniel left the house because he wanted to be alone!" 

"Why would he want to be-"

"Because he just found out he has aids!" I shouted. 

The room fell dead silent. There wasn't even any small noises in the house to make noise, no creaks, no wind, just silence. Not even the rain outside was making any noise. 

Elliot shook his head, his eyes suddenly sunken with fear. "No, no, it can't be. Not Daniel." 

"I wouldn't lie to you," I responded quietly. "That's why I came here because I thought he would be here." 

Julian was just staring at me, confusion running through his eyes as Elliot shook his head. "No, he didn't come here at all." 

"Great," I muttered, feeling all my hope vanish from my body. 

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