Five: Heartbreak Hotel

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Let's go back a few steps, shall we ;)


I checked myself in the mirror, making sure that my outfit looked a little bit decent for today. I ran a hand through my now sort of long hair, breaking a few knots. I leaned in the mirror, tracing my hand along my jawline.

Maybe I should grow my beard out again. I kind of miss it.

With a satisfied nod, I grabbed the cologne and dabbed a bit on myself before exiting my room, heading downstairs and into the kitchen. There, Willowdean leaned against the counter, the paper in her hands and her glasses resting on the tip of her nose.

"Good morning." I greeted, opening the refrigerator.

"Hmm, good morning Daniel." She greeted back. "You got a phone call this morning."

"Oh really? From who?" I asked as I grabbed a bottle of orange juice.

"From Julian," she replied, folding the paper back up and setting it on the counter. "Mickey passed away last night."

I felt my heart shatter. "Mickey passed away?" Not my Mickey. He told me he was doing fine.

Will walked over, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm so sorry you had to hear it from me."

I didn't respond. My whole body was completely numb. He was just here yesterday. This actually can't be happening.

Will slowly pulled away from me, patting her hand against my arm. "I'll give you some space. If you need me to take you to Julian's, I will take you."

I nodded. "Thank you."

I took a seat at the table, setting down my orange juice and burying my face into my hands.

Yes, it's me Daniel. Remember that psycho lady from before, Will? Yes, I live with her. We've been living as roommates for about two years now.

Oh, another thing, Mickey, the man that passed away, was my boyfriend. Well, we just officially started going out two nights ago, when I took him to a romantic dinner. Everything was fine, he wasn't sick. Mickey has a heart of gold, and it was now all taken away from me. A five year friendship just ripped from me.

My hands drug down my face as I took a deep breath. I stared out of the window, letting my mind sit with silence for a moment before a single tear slipped out of my eye.

I met Mickey right after I left Freddie. I was on my way back home when we bumped into each other on the street. He convinced me to stay in England, so I did.

I don't regret leaving Freddie. Just because I don't regret it, though, doesn't mean I miss him. I miss Freddie dearly. I wish I could just see him one more time, forgive him for everything I've done.

Julian actually invited me to his finals show, but I refused to go. I wasn't prepared to go see Freddie after everything that I did to him. I will do it on my own time, just not at the moment.

I drank my orange juice in one swig before tossing the bottle away. Will sat on the sofa reading a book when I entered the living area. She glanced up at me, her eyes soft.

"Will you drive me to Julian's?"

She nodded. "Of course."

We quietly left the house and entered the car. The only thing on was the radio, other than that it was a quiet morning. I was busy in my thoughts, thinking back on yesterday when I saw Mickey before he left the house.

How happy, and healthy, he looked. What made him be taken away so quickly and so suddenly? And why?

Will cleared her throat beside me. "How are you feeling Daniel?"

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