Nineteen: Nanu, Nan-Oh

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I'm sorry there is a lot of skipping around in this chapter. I didn't want to overwhelm you with useless information

A couple days later


"Come on, come on! Let's go!" Rori called from the living area. "We don't want to be late!"

"Coming!" I called back, slicking my hair back as I adjusted my sweater in front of the mirror one last time.

I fixed the collar under my sweater, making sure it hid the fading black and blue mark. Even though Rori knew at this point, I still didn't want people outside knowing what I was up to privately. Don't get me wrong, I smirk at it every time I see it, I just don't want others that don't know me to know.

Feeling alright with myself, I exited my room. Rori stood next to the sofa, looking absolutely stunning. She wore a white with black polka dots dress shirt that cut down to the middle of her chest, revealing cleavage. The shoulders were broad, making her look even more professional. For pants, she wore flared black dress pants paired with a sexy black heel.

Once again, Rori made me feel so underdressed.

"Maybe I should go change." I stated as I looked Rori up and down.

"No! You look great!" Rori exclaimed, walking towards me as she smoothed down my sweater.

I heard the door open, and Freddie came out looking fantastic as well. He wore reddish-brown dress pant with a white button down tucked in. A couple of buttons were unbuttoned, revealing his handsome chest.

I gulped, releasing how much I wanted to just take Freddie's hand and kiss him at that moment. That man made me feel feelings that I didn't even know that I had. Sometimes I just wanted to grab him and-

Freddie's eyes went wide at the sight of Rori. "Christ, maybe I should go change."

"No! Daniel said the same thing! Maybe I'm the one who should go change." Rori stated, looking down at herself.

When Freddie and I didn't reply, Rori sighed. "I'll be right back."

"You don't have to change-"

"We're only going to a comedy show! Of course I'm going to go change." Rori said.

"Are you sure? Because you're outfit is gorgeous and-"

Rori placed a finger on my lips. "Daniel, it's fine," she smiled. "I'll be quick."

Rori turned on her heels (literally) and headed to her room, closing it. I just stared at the white door, feeling horrible at that moment. It soon changed though, when I felt Freddie's hand run up my arm and pull down my collar.

"Hey! Put that back up!" I exclaimed, moving his hand away.

"Why? Are you embarrassed by it?" Freddie asked cunningly.

"No, I'm not embarrassed by it," I grumbled. "I just don't want others to know I have it."

"Just admit it, Daniel, you are embarrassed by it." Freddie pushed.

I mumbled under my breath, fixing my collar once again. "Now I don't know if my collar is fixed or not."

"Oh, dear, you're such a child sometimes." Freddie remarked.

He stood in front of me, taking my collar and fixing it so that way I was content. As Freddie finished his work, I smiled at him and placed a quick peck on his lips. Freddie smiled, patting my shoulder as he took a step back.

"There, you're all fixed." He said.

"Thank you Freddie dear." I crooned with a small smirk.

Freddie rolled his eyes. "Stop that shit."

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