Eleven: No More Bullshit

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Here we go!!! :D


Freddie and I were settled at a table beside the window. He was pouring us our glasses of champagne as I adjusted myself on my seat. He picked up his glass, raising it in the air.

"A toast." He said.

"To what?" I asked.

"To rekindling an old friendship." Freddie smiled.

"I'll toast to that." I smiled back, clinking our glasses together before taking my sip.

"You weren't wrong when you said you were friends with the Carson's." Freddie said, setting his drink back down on the table.

"I told you, but you doubted me." I stated with a smirk.

"How did you even meet Julian and Elliot?" Freddie asked quizzically.

I cleared my throat. "I- uhm- I met them through Mickey. Mickey was their best friend, knew each other for eleven years I presume. That was his family and they accepted me quite quickly."

"Of course they would! Who doesn't like you?"

"You." I quipped.

"That's for different reasons." Freddie smirked, causing me to chuckle.

"I don't live with the Carson's, if that was what you were thinking. I'm only over there because Willowdean, the girl from five years ago, went on a business trip. I live with her." I explained.

"So, you're saying that you've been in London this entire time?" Freddie questioned.

I took a sip of my champagne, nodding my head. Freddie's lip started to twitch, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Now, Freddie, you promised you wouldn't be mad-"

"Do you know how hard it is for me not to get upset?!" Freddie snapped. "Five fucking years, Daniel, it's been five years! You could've came to my door at any time to apologize, especially since you were in London!"

"It isn't that easy, Freddie."

Freddie narrowed his eyes at me. "Do you know that I went after you? I went out searching, searched all of New York, all of Quebec, every fucking place to find you. I contacted everyone that I knew who was connected to you to bring you back. I looked for so many months. All that time, wasted, to only find out you were down the fucking street! That you were here, and I wasted all that time!!"

"Freddie- I'm sorry- I didn't realize-"

"Why didn't you just come to me and talk?! What was so hard for you to come see me instead of falling off the face of the fucking Earth for five years! You couldn't even call me?!"

"You wouldn't understand-"

"That's another thing, you act as if I'm a child! Of course I understand, you pushed me away! We could've avoided all of this if you just didn't leave!" Freddie exclaimed.

"I had to!" I snapped.

Freddie scoffed. "You had to-"

"I did." I interrupted sharply. "Don't you ever think of me instead of just yourself? You always bring it around how I hurt you. Didn't you ever think about how I felt? I was devastated when I left you! I really did love you Freddie! You act as if we didn't have anything."

Freddie narrowed his eyes at me. "That's because we didn't."

My heart sank to my stomach. "W-what?"

"Oh, don't act so surprised. We didn't have anything, just like you said. We didn't have any trust and we always fought." Freddie stated plainly.

"Obviously that's continuing on now." I remarked. "God, Freddie, it hasn't been five minutes and we're already yelling at each other."

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