Twenty-Seven: Birthday Surprises pt. 2

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"Fuck me."

It was already around one thirty in the afternoon and I was late for the party. After the haircut, Elliot and Rori had to get a gift for Freddie which was totally fine, but when we went to pick up Julian, there was fucking traffic!

I was becoming impatient in the back of the seat next to Rori as my leg started to bounce like crazy. I was becoming frustrated that there was traffic at one thirty in the afternoon. Why would there be traffic?!

Rori, looking at me with worry, placed her hand on my bicep. "Daniel, everything is going to be alright. I'm sure Freddie will understand."

"I should have just got the haircut yesterday-" I grumbled. "Or, maybe I shouldn't have gotten one at fucking all."

"Why? You look so much better," Elliot commented.

"It's a little short for my liking." Julian teased.

However, I didn't crack a smile. My lips stayed at a flat line as we moved up two inches. "This is fucking ridiculous. Why would there be traffic at this time?"

"People are getting out of lunch." Julian responded, his tone flat after his teasing didn't work.

"We'll be there soon, I know it." Rori comforted.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I cannot believe this has to happen today."

"You're acting as if we planned this," Elliot retorted looking through the rearview mirror.

"I know you didn't plan this, I don't think any of us were expecting it." I stated as I leaned my head back.

"We aren't going to be here forever," Julian reassured. "Besides, is Freddie going to notice that you've been gone for a little bit?"

"Yes," I responded quickly. "I'm his boyfriend, I should be there with him at this moment."

No one responded. I closed my eyes as I felt the car move another two inches forward. Once again, I felt a small hand on my leg. I opened my eyes, looking down to see Rori's small hand on my knee.

"Let's pass the time," she started with a warm smile. "What do you love about Freddie?"

I scoffed. "This isn't going to-"

"What do you love about Freddie?" She repeated firmly.

I sighed, scratching my jaw. "The real question is, what don't I love about him? He's caring, has a big heart, generous, kind- oh, and I can't forget how sexy he is."

"I'm sure you got front row view this morning." Elliot retorted.

I leaned forward, smacking the back of his head lightly. "Fuck off with that, will you?"

"You literally were a few minutes late because I know you two were-"

"Onto the next question!" I interrupted.

"I have a question," Julian said, turning around to face me. "Do you think you and Freddie will ever get married?"

"We can't, it's not legal." I responded.

"So? Elliot and I are married, just not legally." Julian stated.

"The day that we can officially get married, Julian and I are going to the chapel. There's no fucking way we are going to wait." Elliot chimed in.

I smiled. "That is amazing."

"You didn't answer his question." Rori then said.

I shook my head. "I would love to marry Freddie, but things are basically fresh right now. I love where we are, and I would love for it to last for a while before we do commit to a so-called marriage."

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