Thirty: Turn for the Worse

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Whistling wind and the pitter-patter of the rain hitting the window was what I woke up to. The temperature was dropped significantly, making it harder to remove myself from the warm sheets that lay on top of me. A deep sigh escaped my nose as I rolled over, an empty space leaving the bed extra cold and unappealing to wake up to. Daniel was up and out before me this morning, so I had to deal with whatever was given to me at the moment.

Today was the day Daniel was getting his test results back from the doctor and I felt like my stomach had fell through my ass. After days of trying to avoid the subject, the time has finally come and I felt extremely sick. I couldn't imagine how Daniel was feeling right now, especially since he didn't want me to go with him, despite me pushing him that I should go.

How stubborn Daniel was about the whole fucking situation; I wanted to be able to comfort him and make sure that he knew I would support him. However, it seemed as though he was pushing me away, scared to even let me know what was wrong with him.

Both of us were scared, because at this point in both of our lives, we could have a disease that can change our lives forever. Maybe that is why Daniel didn't want me to go with him. Whatever the case may be, I know we would be able to get through it together, no matter the circumstances.

Taking one final stretch, I slipped out of bed, the cold air hitting my exposed body as soon as the sheets were gone. I slipped on my slippers and walked over to the chair in the corner, changing quickly before grabbing a robe that sat on top of it and loosely tying it around my body before heading downstairs. It was extremely quiet inside of the house, the pitter patter of the children running around coming and going every once in a while.

There was a kettle full of hot water already prepared when I walked into the kitchen. Beside it there was a little note;

Made tea before we headed out to the doctors. I hope the water is still hot when you wake up and also hope you're not mad you couldn't come, but it shouldn't be long.

Lots of love, Daniel

I smiled before I made myself a cup of tea and taking a seat at the table, the press already set out for me to read.

The deep feeling of worry sat at the bottom of my stomach as I read the press. I didn't even eat half of my breakfast as it sat on the table, just getting colder and colder as time went on. I couldn't even focus on my reading as I skimmed through the pages, finding nothing interesting to catch my eye to even read in full depth.

A growl came from my stomach, not from hunger, but from the excessive worry that lingered through me. With a sigh, I stood up, the chair pushed backwards from my legs, as I grabbed my dishes and headed to the kitchen to drop them off.

I wanted badly to at least stand outside and relax, even with the winter weather. However, the amount of rain pouring down outside, I was afraid I would take a step and slip on a patch of ice that I couldn't see. I just fished out my packet of cigarettes, putting one in my mouth as I struck a match, lighting the cigarette and taking a big puff. The cats weaved in out of my legs, begging for attention, but I couldn't stay still long enough to pet any of them.

There was no way I could stay still while I waited, there was too much to worry about. I was worried about Daniel, not just from his health, but how he was reacting now. Hell, I didn't even know if he had gotten word now. There was no way of knowing, and it killed me inside that I couldn't know.

I took another drag as I paced about the living room, looking outside every once in a while to see if I could see a car drive by or even enter the Garden gates.

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