Twenty-Two: Fuck Hangovers

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When I woke up, the sun was peaking through the window and illuminating my face. I groaned, trying to cover my face from the sudden light that did help my throbbing headache what-so-ever.

Wait- I was in a house.

I got up so fast that my vision became blurry, the thumping of my migraine becoming worse. I placed my head into my hands, trying to get rid of all the agony that filled me. To add to on to the state I was in, my jaw was super sore and my lip seemed to be throb as well.

'What the fuck happened?' I asked myself

Suddenly, I heard a cat meow. Then and there, without even looking around, I knew where I was. I laid back down slowly, covering my face from the string of light that woke me up earlier.

A cat jumped up onto my stomach. I peeked through my fingers to see orange fur. I chuckled, reaching out to pet Oscar.

"Do you know what happened? Or do you at least know who brought me here?"

"Oh, good, you're up." I heard Peter's voice ring.

When I looked over, I saw Peter by the window. He had the curtain string in his hand. "W-wait-"

The bright light of the sun came into the room like a truck with headlights. I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I tried to get used to the bright light. I heard Peter laugh in the background.

"I'll go get you some medicine."

I picked up the pillow that was behind me and placed it on my head, not ready to face the day at all. 'God, I wonder how Freddie's going to react when he sees me this way.'

'I don't even want to know how he reacted when he saw me yesterday...'

I shuttered at the thought. The fact of the matter was, when he asks me how I got into this situation, I won't be able to answer him. I don't remember anything after I ordered my first drink. Hell, I don't even remember, at the moment, why I even went to the bar.

I'll be the one to ask him how I even got to his house. Maybe I could ask Peter, maybe he was here to know. Oh, Christ, I feel so bad for them.

I am not going out drinking for at least a couple weeks.

"Here, Daniel." Peter removed the pillow from my face. "Sit up, you need to take these."

"Can you help me up? I will fall down if I try." I stated embarrassingly.

Peter chucked. "You're going through a rough time, aren't you?"

"You don't even know, Peter. You have no fucking clue." I grumbled.

Oscar jumped off my stomach as Peter helped me up, leaning me against the arm of the sofa as I took my meds. Peter came back afterwards with a slice of buttered toast, setting it on the side table.

"I don't know if you'll eat this, I won't be mad if you don't, I just brought it in case."

"Thanks Peter." I smiled.

"Freddie will also be down anytime soon."

I nodded my head. "Oh, by the way, who brought me here yesterday?"

"Jim did."

"Jim?" I asked in astonishment.

Peter nodded his head. "Yes, Jim brought you here. Why are you so surprised?"

I shrugged. "I think I'm surprised to the fact that he found me."

"He said he found you outside of K Bar."

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