Fifteen: New York, New York

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After a very long conversation with Freddie afterwards, and finally getting back to good terms once again, the plane landed in New York. Rori was wide awake (being up two hours before landing), her eyes peeled to the window. She was giddy with excitement.

"We're in New York!" Rori stated as if she were a child who just received candy.

A smirk came across my face. "Start spreading the news..."

"Not again." Rori laughed, pressing her hand against her forehead.

"I'm leaving today! I want to be apart of it-"

"New York, New York!" Freddie joined in with me.

"Shut up." Rori laughed, hitting my arm playfully.

The lights came on, saying we could finally unbuckle our seatbelts. Freddie and Rori cleaned up everything around them. I, however, was the first one up and out of my seat when the plane came to a complete stop. Being stuck in the middle made me grow huge cramps in my legs. I stood up, relieving my sore legs, and taking a very long stretch.

As I bent back to stretch my back, however, Rori patted my stomach, causing me to recoil in a scare. Freddie and Rori snickered beside me as I kept my arms wrapped around my stomach.

"That's not funny." I groaned.

"It was to me." Rori shrugged, poking my side.

I jumped away from her, only bumping myself into Freddie. He gripped my arm as we almost toppled over. Luckily, Freddie kept his composer, and neither of us fell. However, we did piss off a couple of people. Hey, they we just in the way anyways.

The three of us walked out of the terminal, grabbed our bags, and out into the New York evening we were. All of us were exceptionally tired, and couldn't wait to be into the suite that Julian found in Times Square for us.

Since Freddie and I couldn't drive, and Rori didn't know New York, we had to take a cab out. Rori, wanting the whole view, took the front seat with the cab driver. Freddie and I stayed in the backseat together, knowing New York pretty well ourselves. I patted his knee, giving it a light squeeze, as we took off to Times Square. Freddie looked down, his hands fighting to move or not, before adjusting his knee in a different position.

Throughout the entire drive, Rori pointed out so many little things that excited her the most. Freddie and I nodded, adding a few details that we could along the way. Most of the time was spent sitting in silence, the only sound coming from the radio.

"New York is absolutely gorgeous." Rori gawked from the front seat.

"We haven't even made it to Times Square." I added with a smirk.

"Is this your first time here?" The driver asked.

"Yes, sir, it is." Rori replied.

"How about you gentlemen?"

"We've both been active visitors of the city." I replied for the both of us.

"The blonde one, Daniel, took me for a little vacation." Rori said with a smile.

"Are you two together?" The cab driver asked.

Freddie visibly tended at the question. Rori, on the other hand, just laughed. "No, we are not."

"We're all just friends." Freddie added plainly.

"Ah, I see." The cab driver paused for a moment. "From the accents, I'm guessing you're from the U.K.?"

One Year of Love || Freddie Mercury SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora