Twenty-One: Adieu, Jim

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Few days later...

"Where too, young man?"

"K Bar."

"This late?"

"Why don't you mind your own goddamn business?"

The driver narrowed his eyes with what light illuminated his dark face.

It has only been a few days since Freddie, Rori, and I came back and I had found Willowdean earlier today passed out on the apartment floor. Turns out, she had been there for a little over twelve hours and I was lucky to find her there. I was staying with Freddie for a little while, but knew it would have been a good idea to return back.

Thank Christ I did because Willowdean would have been dead.

They do not know what caused her sudden passing out, but know it is not good. So, while I wait, I decided to go pass the time drinking.

For another was in the hospital. How could this be so? Another close friend of mine, this time close to death, and not waking up. How many heart aches do I have to endeavor?

The cab slowly stopped at the curb. I payed the driver and hopped out, wanting to drink my night away. Waste it all away, and get rid of this feeling of sorrow.

The bell above the for rung as I entered. It was very quiet, no one really around except for a couple people scattered. As I sat down, someone in the room coughed as the radio played faintly in the background. A couple of fans were on low, as if they were trying to get rid of the hot air inside the room.

It was working.

"What do you want, sir?"

I waved my hand. "Just give me the strongest drink you have."

The bartender nodded his head and walked away. I looked around, trying to see if there was anything else I could look at. However, with the drunks that were already in here, I knew I was going to join their moods.

My drink was placed in front of me. I thanked the bartender quietly and took a sip of the strong drink. There was a slight burn down my throat, and it felt amazing.

I did not tell anyone else about Willowdean's condition. Hell, I haven't even seen Julian or Elliot since I came back. I don't even know if they know we are back. Maybe after I could go pay them a visit.

That is if I'm not too fucked up.

After some time, and lots of drinks on my tab and my system, I was ready to leave. I downed my final shot for the night, the man next to me patting my back, and pushed the glass away from me. I shook my head, my blonde hair fucking everywhere and sticking to my face, I ordered everyone else drinks, except for me.

"T-time for me to hit the hay- or find the needle in the hay- what's the expression?" I asked lazily to the man next to me.

"How would I fucking know?" He asked, his mood turning sour.

I raised my hands in defense, almost falling back in the process. "Shit- I'm sorry."

"You better be, p-p-"

He didn't even get to finish before he vomited everywhere. The bottom of my pants and shoes were covered with this man's nasty fucking vomit.

"Fuck me- those are my clothes!" I shouted.

"S-sorry sir-"

"You're-" I hiccuped, "-you're going to pay for this."

"I don't- I don't have to do anything!" The man exclaimed lazily.

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