Thirty-Two: Goodbyes pt. 1

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Two Years Later
December 1, 1989

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle this, Daniel? I mean, you haven't been able to-"

"I'll be fine," I snapped, gripping the arms of the chair with all my strength as I tried to lift myself out of the chair. "Just- give me a moment."

Phoebe stared at me with sympathy in his eyes. I hate that.

I looked at him, my lips turning into a straight line as I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you continue to look at me like that, I will not be able to check the tree like you want me to."

"Sorry, sorry," Phoebe took a step back, running his hands down his face before turning his back towards me.

I nodded my head before trying once again to stand up from the chair. I could feel my knuckles turn white as I pushed with all the strength I had in me, though there wasn't much left there anymore. A little grunt escaped my lips causing Phoebe to jerk, but he didn't move. I let out one more grunt before my hand started to get sore, causing me to groan in pain as I plopped back onto the chair, Phoebe immediately turning around to help me.

"Everything okay??"

"Yes, I will be fine," I grumbled through the quick pain, my other hand rubbing the one in pain. "Fuck this Phoebe, I'm never going to make it to my birthday if I continue like this."

"Don't say that," Phoebe said, his voice laced with sadness as his hands rested on my back, under my shoulders. "Now come on, we're getting up in one.. two... three!"

With another groan, from both of us this time, I was up onto my feet with the support of Phoebe holding me. I was left standing for a moment as Phoebe handed me my cane, which doesn't fucking help me in any way whatsoever.

"Freddie should be back in a few moments," Phoebe explained as we walked together to the kitchen. "For now, do you want a cup of coffee or a glass of wine?"

I shrugged Phoebe's grip off of me. "No, I just want the radio on."

Phoebe nodded, "I will turn it on."

"Thank you," I muttered, nodding. "I can be a real scrooge sometimes, I apologize."

"Don't worry about it, we all have our off days," Phoebe smiled before disappearing into the kitchen.

I looked around before my eyes met the large tree in the corner of the room. My lips turned upward as I slowly made my way towards the tree. When I mean slowly, I mean as fast as a fucking sloth.

Not only has this disease taken my whole body, but it has also taken my speed in walking. Which I find absolutely ridiculous. Why should I walk like an eighty year old man when I can easily think and speak like I used to? Sure, my body is not how it used to look a few years ago, my muscles have turned to bone and I look like Frosty the Snowman, but fuck, at least give me the speed.

One of the cats ran by me, causing me to stop in my tracks for a moment. I huffed as I watched it run off, "show off."

I took a few more steps before standing in front of our Christmas tree. It already sparkled with color as the lights were the first thing we put in it when we got it into the house. Well, Phoebe and Freddie got it into the house, they put me on couch arrest as they struggled to get the damn thing in. Though it was very hot to see Freddie doing labor and putting the tree up. At least he still has his strength.

After I told Freddie I was diagnosed with AIDS, Freddie went and got tested as well. It wasn't good news, he was also positive for the same crippling disease that's deteriorating my body every fucking second of the day. It was heartbreaking, but at the same time both of us struggling with this disease has made us stronger and closer.

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