Three: Sick Feelings

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The concert was going phenomenal. The first few lines of songs went absolutely smooth, despite having that minute delay. The crowd was very interactive, just as last night, so it made it easier for me to rest my voice for just a few seconds.

Turning back and seeing Jim was also pleasant. He would stand there with a small grin, giving me a thumbs up whenever we made eye contact. The others stood around him, watching in amazement.

I was feeling really good about tonight. That was until I went to take a drink of my beer as the beginning of I Want to Break Free played. I looked back and saw a man next to Julian, pulling him aside as if it were an emergency.

I couldn't do much at that moment, but I knew Brian's guitar solo was right after this. We played the song, I did my impromptu then headed back stage.

I changed my attire quickly and as I headed back to wait for Brian to finish, I noticed Julian and the man off to the side. I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked up to them.

"Is everything alright here?" I asked.

That made Julian and the other man jump in surprise. His eyes went wide when he saw me. "Oh my- you're Freddie Mercury! In the flesh!"

"That's me." I nodded. "You are?"

"This is my boyfriend, Elliot." Julian introduced.

"Oh my god! I love you and your work! You're so fucking talented, pardon my French." Elliot gushed.

Elliot was definitely a handsome chap. Quickly I understood why these two got along. Both of them were the same height but Elliot was much thinner than Julian.

"Thank you." I smiled, which dropped quickly. "Everything good? I saw you walk away earlier."

"Oh, well, we were supposed to have a friend come with us tonight, but I had to take an emergency detour on the way here." Elliot explained.

"Oh, well, I'm very sorry to hear that." I apologized. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Sadly, no, he's been off and on in the hospital this past year. We're afraid he's captured the new disease, but the doctor's haven't confirmed." Julian said.

"Well, I hope everything gets better." I said.

"We hope so too." Elliot stated sadly.

"Freddie, come on, Brian's almost done!" Roger called.

"I will talk to you after. Enjoy the concert."

"Oh, we most definitely will." Elliot said with a cheeky smile.

I went back on stage, continuing on with Now I'm Here. Like before, things were going along just fine. I focused on what I was doing, and how to get the crowd to keep enjoying themselves.

But as the show went on, and it got closer and closer to the end, I had the horrible gut feeling. I was afraid I was falling ill, which would make sense since we've been on this long tour for quite sometime now.

I walked out on stage with my king's robe and crown, standing at the very front of the stage with the crown in my hands. The crowd's roar filled my ears as Roger gave his drums a final pound to end the song.

With crown still in hand, I brought the microphone to my lips. "So long beautiful! Goodnight, and god bless you!"

As God Save the Queen came on, we all took front of the stage, waving our final goodbyes before walking off. The robe was taken off of my shoulders and replaced with a towel, which I wiped my face off with.

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