Twenty-Eight: Pretend That I'm Doing Well

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I have a few things I would like to say before this chapter starts, so please read this. 

The original plan for this chapter was supposed to be a light-hearted chapter. While most of it is, it takes a little turn towards the end. I was writing and it seemed important to add. Seeing how things work out, the next chapter should be a light-hearted one as well. 

I have said this many times and I will say it again; This book was never meant to have a happy ending, and that won't change. After considerations last summer on how I wanted to end this story, I know exactly where I want to go with it and I will not change my mind.

Freddie and Daniel's story coming up will be taking a turn. It does not mean that I won't be making any more happy chapters, but I will! But I don't think they will be as frequent as you may hope to be. 

I tried to keep this story where it is now as happy and, once again, light-hearted as possible. However, as things continue, it will get gloomy. I have been hinting at the situation since chapter four, it's not like I haven't been secretive about it.

If you do figure out what's wrong before I post the updates, don't spoil it for the others in the comments. I don't want anyone's experience or the story to be ruined. 

However, if you do have a question or a comment about the plot, just message me personally! I check them everyday to see if anyone did message me, so I am very active, despite not posting so much. 

Anyways, I won't take your time any longer. I apologize.

Continue with the story...


4 Months Later

January, 1987

Throwing a sweater over my head, I walked out of the closet as I smoothed down the fuzzy fabric. Freddie stood in front of the bed, buttoning up a shirt as his pants sat at his hips, unbuttoned. When I walked into view, Freddie looked up at me with a smile on his face.

"Can you be my mirror?" I asked as I held up my arms. "Too big?"

Freddie reached out, adjusting the now loose clothes that dangled from my arms. "Looks perfect."

"It's not too noticeable, is it?" I frowned before smoothing the front of my sweater once again.

"Daniel, it looks fine." Freddie reassured, removing my hands from the sweater.

I huffed as I watched Freddie tuck in his shirt and button his pants. At that moment, I was jealous of his figure and how he looked.

The past four months, I have been wearing thinner and thinner. Even though I have been eating everything that Phoebe has been giving us, and been eating snacks that Freddie hands me every once in a while, I still was loosing weight. I didn't notice at first, until Freddie gave me a ring (not the promise ring) as one of my Christmas presents. I usually wore a size eight, but now I was down to a size six. My clothes were starting to become loose on me too, making me more and more frustrated each day passing.

Freddie had asked one night if I wanted to go shopping for new clothes because of the sudden decrease in my shape. It made me frustrated and I left the house for the afternoon. I know Freddie was looking out for me, but I hated the fact that I was becoming a twig. Even back in September I looked much bigger than I do now.

However, all my frustration was put to the side as I made an appointment for the doctors this morning. Freddie wanted to come, but things seemed to fall out of place as he was set to record his video for The Great Pretender, a favorite of mine. I was to meet him back on set later as him, Roger, and Straker got ready for their apparent drag part. From the sounds of it, I knew I couldn't miss it.

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