Seventeen: Reasons to Fall Back in Love Pt. 2

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Listen, I know you guys wants a little 💦 moment...

So I gave it to you. But it doesn't mean that I didn't have a hard time writing this! What did I say in the last book...

Ah, yes, I hate, absolutely hate writing stuff like this and still do! However, I've been absent for a long while now, it is only fair of me to do something for you guys.

¡This is your only warning, for it starts right away!

Okay, I'm not wasting your time any longer, enjoy


Freddie pulled away and stared deeply into my soul. Both of us were panting heavily as our emotions sparked every which way. I could tell Freddie was enjoying himself, and right away planted his lips heavily back onto mine. The feeling was rough, oh so enjoyable.

I could feel the temperature rising as Freddie made his way down to my neck, his mustache gracing my neck as well. I gasped, leaning my head back against the wall as I started to feel my hands up and down Freddie's body. Freddie quickly found my sweet spot, causing a shiver to go down my spine. A little grunt escaped my lips, causing Freddie to smile against my neck.

With Freddie's lips still connected to my neck, I ran my hand up Freddie's chest, over his shoulders, and down his back. I gripped the hem of his shirt and tugged on it, finding the layers on our bodies annoying. Freddie lifted his head as I quickly removed his shirt off of his body. Freddie quickly grabbed mine, taking it off in no time as he threw it away somewhere.

Our lips connected once again, as we both let our hands roam all around our bodies. As Freddie's hands graced my nipples, mine went straight down his chest and over his buttoned pants, palming the hard on that formed inside. Freddie let out a grunt that vibrated the inside of my mouth.

Freddie quickly averted his attention to his hand, which now found their way to the button of my pants. He quickly stuck his hand inside, grabbing my shaft so fast that I didn't expect it. I let out a growl as I threw my head back. I lost all control of what I was doing and brought my hands up to tangle into Freddie's dark locks.

With his forehead pressed to my shoulder, Freddie worked his magic with his hands as he pumped my length with such pace. Both of us were panting heavily as we were practically fumbling with our actions.

"O-oh m-my god," I panted, feeling myself become closer by the second.

Freddie must have felt it, because right after he removed his hand from my shaft. I removed my hands from the top of his head as Freddie gave me an evil smirk. Once again, Freddie planted his lips onto mine, but more aggressively than before.

Now it was my turn to take dominance.

In swift motion, I pushed Freddie to the back of the bed and crawled on top of him. Freddie growled as I grazed and nipped his neck. I gained control as Freddie moaned from under me, tugging my long blonde locks.

When I was satisfied with my performance, I took the tip of my finger and trailed it down Freddie's chest, down his stomach, and down to his area. Freddie shuttered from under me as I took the rim of his pants, unbuttoning them slowly. He quickly became agitated with me, but I did not care. Slowly, with a sly grin on my face, I pulled down the rest of the clothing on Freddie's body.

Freddie's hard on was obvious at this point, as I slipped off the rest of the clothing on my body. My finger trailed back up his body, where it connected with his shaft. Freddie once again shuttered as I took him in my mouth. His hands tangled into my locks once again, a little too tightly, as I did my work on him. I bobbed my head up and down slightly as Freddie could not contain himself.

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