Four: Visions

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I was wrong.

I woke up the next morning feeling the same stomach issue as last night. It seemed to have gotten stronger over night.

Jim took my temperature, telling me I was normal. I didn't throw up, I just had the sensation of wanting to. It was like I held this huge sense of guilt that I wish would just go away.

I wish this would fucking go away. It's ruining my mood, especially since this is my first day off in such a long time.

I sipped on my coffee, reading the Daily Mail as Phoebe bustled in front of me.

"I heard that you met Julian Carson last night." Phoebe stated.

I nodded my head. "So I did."

"How is he?"

"A nice chap. Gave him my number in case he wants to ring sometime."

Phoebe nodded. "Did you hear about one of his friends?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, setting down the paper. "No?"

"He was rushed to the hospital last night before your concert. Apparently he was severely sick and passed away last night around two in the morning."

I felt my gut sink even further down. "Oh my god." I mumbled. "Did they find out what happened?"

"He had AIDS."

I gulped. They told me about him yesterday. That's absolutely horrible...

"I'm going to give them a call." I mumbled.

I got up from my seat and picked up the phone. It rang a couple of times before someone picked up.


That isn't Julian. "Yes, hello. I'm calling for Julian Carson."

"He isn't home at the moment. Could I take a message?"

Why does your voice sound so familiar? "Yes, tell him Freddie Mercury called and that I'm sorry for his loss."

There was a beat. "I-I'll- uh- I'll give him the message."

"Thank you, dear."

"N-no problem." There was another pause. "Have a good day."

I put the phone down, and that's when my stomach started to turn once again. There was something so fucking familiar about that voice. I probably don't even know the chap, so why would I have the horrible gut feeling?

"Something wrong, Freddie?" Jim asked.

I snapped out of my trance, looking over towards him. "No, just, I thought I recognized the voice on the line just a few seconds ago."

"Oh? Anyone you know?"

"I don't think so."

Strange. I don't think I know anyone who talks like that, or used to. I think I'm going fucking nuts, I need a vacation.

"Anything planned for today?" Jim asked as he took a seat in the kitchen.

"If I get a kiss then I can tell you." I crooned. Jim, with a smile, pecked my lips. "Mm, how lovely."

"I planned a dinner for us later tonight."

"A dinner?" Jim questioned.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes, a dinner. Is there a problem with that?"

Jim, with a straight face, nodded his head. "I promised a chap from work I would go down late this afternoon to help out with moving."

"Why didn't you tell me!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

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