Nine: Promises

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Just a quick author's note before everything starts!

Sorry everything has been based around Julian, Elliot, and Mickey's death at the moment. I know there hasn't been much of anything between Daniel and Freddie, but all this is just a build up. Julian, Elliot, Will, and Rori will play major rolls in this second book, that's why they are around more.

I'm also sorry it hasn't been very entertaining. We all know that Freddie and Daniel's relationship is very rocky, and it might stay that way for a while instead of jumping into things right away. They have a lot to get through, especially Daniel after loosing Mickey, before rekindling.

That being said, thank you for all the support. It means a whole lot to me, seriously. I love you all ♥️


Three days after the funeral

A towel sat loosely around my shoulders and when I entered the kitchen. Of course I had a pair of pants on, but I decided to leave the shirt off for the moment. As I placed my sweater on one of the chairs, Rori, one of the first to see me, eyes went wide.

"Wow." She muttered under her breath.

"I know! I'm so jealous on his body. He's almost forty and looks like a twenty five year old model." Elliot gushed.

I chuckled, pulling out a chair. "I don't look that great."

"Yes you do." Elliot stated as he set a cup of tea in front of me.

I thanked him, taking a sip of the hot liquid as Julian passed over two pills to get over this awful cold.

"Alright, I'm going with Will." Rori announced, her eyes not parting me.

"Have a good time." Julian said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Elliot gave her one as well. She turned to me, looking me up and down once again. "I would give you one, but I don't want the cold."

"Can't argue with that." I shrugged. "Have a good time."

Rori left the kitchen, leaving only Elliot, Julian and I to the house. Julian took a seat across from me, ripping a packet of sugar open and dumping it into his cup of tea.

"Now, you have to tell us everything that happened." Elliot stated, stirring cream in the cup.

"Before we do that, I think we need to address the elephant in the room." Julian said, looking between Elliot and I.

"And what would that be?" I asked quizzically.


"We think Rori has a slight crush on you." Elliot blurted.

I scoffed. "Yeah right."

"Daniel, we know you're not straight, but we honestly think she has caught some interest towards you."

"I'm not worried about it." I waved. "That happened when Will first met me. Now we're close friends and she accepts that I'm gay."

"Are you one hundred percent sure on that?" Julian asked bluntly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I quizzed.

Julian shrugged. "Whatever you want it to mean."

"Can we please talk about what we're actually supposed to be talking about." Elliot butted.

"And what's that?" Julian asked.

"The whole backstory on Freddie of course!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Where do you want me to start?" I asked, placing the tablets in my mouth.

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