Six: Almost There

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I sunk to the floor, sitting there for God knows how long. The conversation that happened kept repeating and fucking repeating in my head.

Freddie was right on the other end. He was right there! I didn't even say who I was, I just answered the fucking phone! He didn't even realize it was me!

So many other options went through my mind on how it could've gone. Freddie would've hung up the phone in anger in ninety-nine percent of them. Only two I could imagine that would've ended somewhat well.


I can't wrap my mind around it. After five fucking years of not talking, and having my boyfriend just pass away, he calls Julian's house and I answer the phone. If I went with Elliot and Julian, that would've never happened.

Alright Daniel, you're reading into this a little too much. Maybe you should just back off for a little while.

I picked myself up off the floor and wiped off any dirt from my pants. It was late in the afternoon at this point, I decided that I needed to go eat then maybe spend the rest of my night drinking away my thoughts and feelings.

In quick decision, I decided to call Will to see if she would join me for dinner. She agreed, and in fifteen minutes she was at the house. I locked up Julian's precious home and hopped in the car.

"Wait a damn minute! I recognize that flannel anywhere." Will said as soon as I sat down.

"I wonder where you recognize it from." I replied with an eye roll.

"Wasn't that Mickey's? It was, wasn't it?"

I nodded my head. "Sure was."

"I can't believe it fits you. You know, you might outwear that thing just like he did." Will smiled as we pulled away.

I shook my head. "I don't think so. I just wore it because I saw it."

There was a small beat. "Are you feeling alright, Daniel?"

I shrugged. "I have mixed feelings at the moment."

"About Mickey's death?"

I shuttered at that sentence. I know he's dead. Being reminded thousands of times isn't going to help me get better.

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered, looking out the window.

There was no other exchange after that. Will drive us to the restaurant, we got our table, and ordered our drinks. As I scanned through the menu, Will set here down and stared at me for a while. I slowly lowered my menu, crossing my eyebrows. "Yes?"

"You know how I have that overly excited tone all the time?" I nodded my head. "Well, right now, I'm trying to be happy for you and help you-"

"I know you're trying to help me, Will, and I appreciate it. But, I've been having a bad day. C-can we just talk without bringing up Mickey."

Will nodded. I smiled at her before picking my menu back up to scan through it again.

Our waitress came back with our drinks and we ordered what we wanted for dinner before leaving again. I took a sip of my beer as Will scanned around the restaurant, looking at people who were being seated.

"There's a lot of couples out tonight." She commented.

"Must be a night to go out." I laughed. "What day is it?"


"That explains it." I said, causing Will to chuckle.

"We're not a couple, though. We're only friends." Will stated.

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