Twenty-Five: Let's Get One Thing Straight

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Sorry if this chapter is a little boring. It is just a filler chapter for what's to come!

Anyways, enjoy!!!


Two Months Later

September 3rd, 1986

I ran my hand along my trimmed jaw line. My face had suddenly started to sink in a little, as the increase of loss weight continued. My lips turned into a frown as I stood in front of the mirror, checking my face and my stomach, seeing how I still had some stomach in me.

I leaned forward into the mirror again, lifting my jaw to check if there was anything that I missed and to see how sharp my jawline was. It was finally somewhat visible for once.

Freddie wanted, for his birthday, for me to shave my beard. I did not want to shave my beard because I haven't shaven it completely off for almost five years. We came to an agreement, after bantering back and forth for about two hours, that I could just trim it a little. Of course I agreed, but I felt there was a catch coming soon.

I ran my hand through my long hair, knowing that Freddie would also love for me to cut my hair. Two months ago it was fine. Now, after going on a couple of trips privately with Freddie and rebuilding our relationship, it has gone down to my shoulders.

I frowned again, knowing that I had to make a haircut appointment soon without Freddie knowing. Maybe I could take Rori with me since she's coming to visit for Freddie's party.

"Freddie would love it," I mumbled to myself before tossing my hair into a bun.

I exited the bathroom and started heading down the hallway. I smiled when I felt Oscar run up against my legs.

There has actually been a lot of smiling these past few months. First off, Freddie and I traveled to Japan as he offered me before. We spent a least a month there, having the time of our lives. Freddie actually taught me about the Japanese culture, since it was my first time in Japan. Since then, every once in a while, Freddie and I like to say to one another "Hanii, daisuki da yo", meaning "Honey, I love you" in Japanese.

Freddie and I, as well, made it official in Japan. Freddie took me out on a very romantic evening. The setting was perfect, the atmosphere was breath taking, and we just felt right at that very moment. Taking my chance, I turned to Freddie and asked him if he wanted to finally make things official between the two of us.

He said no...

...and then he said of course.

After Japan, we came back to Europe where Freddie started planning some singles he's currently working on. It's absolutely beautiful and I'm hoping it'll be released very soon. However, as of right now, Freddie hasn't been rushing into it.

When we came back from Japan, Willowdean was also released from the hospital. I had stayed at our apartment for at least a week, helping her with every little thing that was necessary. The two of us got her medication and I reminded her not to do anything too demanding, since she did have a massive heart attack.

Oh, and yes, the Carson's and I have made up. We made an understanding that I am fully ready to be with Freddie, and they understood it completely. Well, for Julian, it wasn't completely understood. Sometimes he can still be on edge, but he has been growing into our relationship.

Now we are here, two days before Freddie's birthday, and I have made arrangements for a small party for Freddie's 40th birthday. I have been constantly teasing him, reminding him that he has ten more years before he turns the big five-o. He waves me off, telling me he's already old enough.

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