Current Life Update/Apology

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Hello everyone!

I just want to apologize for not updating this story, or any of my stories, recently. I know I said when I released this that I would be active and updating, but, life takes its coarse and now I have to update on why I've broken that promise.

For the past four-five months, things have been really tough on my end. My grandfather is bedridden for the rest of his life and needs 24 hour care. For a month now, since he's been home, we have been taking care of him and helping him out of bed.

Another reason why I haven't been updating is because of school. I'm a senior in high school, so I am looking for college/universities so I can go into Journalism and media broadcasting. I have applied to two schools in the US and will be applying to one in Canada. I also been dumped with a TON of homework, and we (my school) were just put into quarantine until January 25th.

And lastly, on today, December 9, 2020, I, myself, have been tested positive for COVID-19 and have been trying to recover from this sickness for the past week. I have been absolutely exhausted and my ears are constantly ringing. I'm better than I was, but I'm still sick and hoping this goes away very soon.

I have been writing some of the upcoming chapter, but you have to bare with me at the moment. I know it's slow, but I promise I will get chapters updated. Just give it time :))

To make you all feel better, I attached my favorite song in the whole wide world. Hopefully you enjoy it (yes, I realize it isn't the Tears For Fears version. I love the NSP version better than the original)

I have good plans for Daniel and Freddie, so please don't give up on them, or me, now!

Thank you for understanding,
  Caroline xo

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