Mary Is Not Okay With This

Start from the beginning

Kat blinked, "Yours takes precedent."

Kat had for some time now, been pining over Mary (and both decided to not deal with the complicated: 'she's my daughter, but she's older than me, but i'm also interested in her even though I married her father, who beheaded me' business) and Catalina grew tired of watching them be idiots and decided to help her daughter out.

Apparently her daughter was stupider than she thought.

And she supposed that she maybe should've told Anne what she was doing before she did it because now she was being very very jealous and apparently jealous enough to flirt with her daughter in retaliation.

Maybe she should've told her.


Anne didn't know what was going on, all that she knew was that suddenly her secret girlfriend was flirting with her baby cousin in front of her and like hell she was gonna let her get away with that.

So maybe flirting with her daughter was not the best course of action, neither of them actually meant it (that would be weird). However the shocked look Catti gave her made it almost worth the few minutes of awkward stumbling with Mary that she had to get through before a rhythm appeared.


She was flirting with her girlfriends daughter and even Anne had her limits.

Mary was glowering for almost unknown reasons, a sneaking suspicion that she was crushing on Kat lingered in her mind, and Anne couldn't stop herself from striking back.

But now that both Kat and Catti were gone, an awkwardness hung in the air because Mary accidentally admitted that Anne had been her gay awakening which was a very very large can of worms that did not need to be opened at that moment.

But she digresses, it was partially her fault for encouraging her to continue the odd series of remarks to get back at the two women. So now they sat.

"So........I made you a baby gay?"

Mary glared.


Surprisingly it took all of two seconds for Kat to not tolerate this horrifying sequence of events any longer.

Fuck it.

Fuck waiting.

Fuck teasing.

Fuck Mary.

Yes, she was aware of the double meaning behind it and both worked to be completely honest.

She stormed down the stairs, Catalina following mostly because she wanted to stop Anne from flirting with her daughter because gross.

However, Mary and Anne were in a silent staring contest that was mostly glaring and an amused look. Kat took a moment to appreciate that their dynamic had returned before storming over to Mary.

"You're an idiot."

"Excuse me-"

"I don't like your mother like that! I thought, I really thought you seeing that what make you do something, but noooooooo, Mary's gotta stay in her bubble-"

"What are you-"

"- but you know what? I'm done waiting for you to get your act together, so guess what?! I like you, romantically, I want to kiss you, and go on dates with you, and ignore the awkward history between us, and do you want to do that too?!"

Mary looked totally thrown off, basically drowning. Behind her she could hear Anne and Catalina snickering at her expression, Catalina stopping when Mary sent her a glare and muttering a 'it's not funny, I'm sorry mija'.

"Why have you been flirting with my mother if you like me?"

"Because I thought it would make you do something. Why did you flirt with Anne?"

"She was glaring too, and she was the only one in the room other than Jane and that would've been so so much weirder."

Well that's true.

"Mija I just want to let you and Anne are dating...."

Mary looked utterly horrified. Then her face went dead calm, "I see, did you not tell Anne either what you were doing?"

"No...." Kat turned and saw Catalina had a very guilty expression on her face while Anne was clearly telling her something in silent communication.

"But Annie!"

"Nope, you flirted with my baby cousin."

Kat blinked before turning back to Mary, "Do you want to date me too?"

Mary stared at her, "I flirted with my mortal enemy, no offense Anne-"

"None taken."

"- just because I was jealous that you were flirting with my mother."

"Your point?"

Mary let out an exasperated sigh before kissing her, "Of course I want to date you dumbass."



"Well I feel dumb now."

"As you should."

"That was rude." Anne piped up, turning away from a pleading Catalina.

"Yeah, that's like my thing, being rude."

"Literally where have you been?"

"I don't have to take this."

"Please Annie?"

"No Catti, the couch."

And then a distinctly embarrassing whine sounded in the living room causing everyone, including Catalina to start in surprise. Catalina quickly put a hand over her mouth in embarrassment while the rest of them stared.

"I do not want to know how often you make that noise with Boleyn." Mary muttered.

- A R A G O N

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