"Don't smile, Del." Cal teased which only made it harder for Del to keep a straight face, so before they could see a smile she turned around and walked over to her designated table, she was planning on sitting near the door again but a voice called her name which she recognized to be Remus'.

"Hey, come sit over here."

Del looked for empty spots and there were two, one next to Remus and one next to James, she obviously picked the one near Remus.

"Oh that spot's taken my bad, but you can sit in the one next to James." He smirked as Del closed her eyes and took a deep inhale to keep composure before taking the seat next to James.

"What?" Del snapped at Remus.

"What do you mean 'What'?"

"Why'd you call me over here?"

"Wow, Del, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to be kind to you, my apologies." Remus pouted sarcastically which earned chuckles from Sirius and Peter, James was too busy fawning over Lily who was also next to him.

"Well Lupin it's not like we're exactly friends or anything like that."

"Godric, who pissed in your pumpkin juice this morning." Sirius asked, Del slightly cringed by how alike Sirius and Regulus were, of course she loved her Reggie, but one of him is enough.

"I'm tired." Del complained, and it was very noticeable, her eyes were drooping every five seconds, she was slurring her words slightly, and her reflexes were slower than usual, Del was never one to pull 'all nighters' she would sometimes stay up to two or three in the morning but that was her limit.

"Then sleep." Remus said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Where? I don't exactly feel like sleeping on the table and I don't trust falling asleep on my hand because I know damn well that Black would move it." Del explained as she gave Sirius a glare, in which he replied with an 'innocent' shrug.

"Well you could always just use James' shoulder. I doubt he'd mind." Remus smiled before looking over to James who was still talking to Lily, then he not so subtly kicked him in the shin causing James to jump.

"Uhm, Ow?"

"You wouldn't mind right?"

"Lupin, shut up."

"Mind what?" James asked, now intrigued.

"Well Del said she was tired and I said you wouldn't mind her sleeping on your shoulder."

Now at this point everyone else was looking at Remus like he had lost the plot, Del and James were known to argue and fight over the smallest things, they could barely be in the same classroom together without some snide remark being thrown at one another.

James looked down to Del who was trying her best to zone out of the conversation with her head resting in her palm but making sure not to fall asleep, her eyes fluttering close once in a while before she would blink rapidly to try and wake herself up.

James too was also quite tired, but he was more used to staying up all night with being a Perfect and always having night duty or with taking care of Remus on every full moon. He thought about it for a second, in all honesty he truly didn't care if she were on his shoulder or not, but watching her try not to fall asleep on her hand was too funny.

Del seemed to be on the last thread, if she had stayed sitting for any longer she would've passed out so instead she stood up and made her way to her next class which happened to be charms, and if she overheard correctly she also shared that class with Cal and Bellatrix.

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