Ron didn't smile, readjusting slightly in his seat, staring at the whipped cream that slowly sunk into his hot chocolate, melting away from the heat "George—he cleared his throat—its about George, isn't it?"

She hummed with her jaw clenched

"I see the way he looks at you" Ron looked forward, still not at her "does he love you?

"Don't know" she whispered back

Ron nodded

"If you don't feel comfortable" Astrid placed her cup down and reached over to him "I wouldn't—we wouldn't pursue anything further"

Ron shook his head "are you happy?"

She shrugged "yeah, I guess"

He nodded, sipping his drink

"But I would choose you over him any day" Astrid stared at Ron "say it one time Ron and I wouldn't look back at him"

"It's weird" Ron shrugged "but I'll get used to it"

Astrid picked at her fingers

"Don't do that" Ron sighed, pulling her hands apart and holding her cup out too her "I promise I'm fine with it"

Astrid nodded—she needed to make sure no fight or disagreement between her and George would affect her and Ron ever

Finally he smiled at her "just don't forget me, y'know"

Astrid laughed lightly "never"

Ron nodded—sticking his pinky out at her "you promise?"

Astrid's smile grew— full well knowing he used to find pinky promises stupid—but they never broke them, not as children and not now.

So, intertwining hers with his, she promised she would never forget or make Ron feel forgotten

Astrid and George entered the Great hall—hand in hand, making way towards the Gryffindor table that remained rather empty.

"Astrid" Theo called, standing quickly from his spot and waving his hand at her "striddy!"

Astrid hesitantly passed him an awkward smile herself, raising her hand and waving back stiffly—avoiding Draco Malfoy who was joined in the group, glaring at his plate.

"I'll see you later" George let go of Astrid's hand and pressed a kiss too her temple, leaving her to join their friends at the table she wanted too sit at

With no choice but to join her other friends she crossed her arms over her chest and let out a sigh of defeat—taking small steps towards the table, in hopes Harry or Ron would call her back, angry that she'd even think of sitting with their enemies

No valid excuses lit up in her mind either with the time it took to reach the table, landing in front of them with nothing to say as to why she couldn't sit with them

Aside from guilt—she thought of nothing

"Hello" she smiled, standing next to the seated boy

He furrowed his thick eyebrows, scooting further next to Blaise to clear a bigger spot for the girl "sit" he patted the wooden bench. His beaded bracelet making a small tapping noise as his palm lightly collided with the benches surface.

She sucked in a quiet breath and sat next to Theo, avoiding Malfoy's burning gaze

Of course she loved her friends, more than anything—but a large part of her would rather see them less if it meant never seeing Malfoy again.

Gryffindors princessWhere stories live. Discover now