Ch 88: Promises and Secrets

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Morrigan stood over Sirius slapping his face lightly, "Honestly you absolute drama queen wake up." 

Color returned to his face as he stirred, opening his eyes to see three concerned faces looking down at him. He groaned running his hand down his face feeling the stinging sensation from Morrigan's hand against his cheek. Bills voice rung out amongst his confusion, "I'll get him some pumpkin juice." 

"Honestly Black, get eet togezer," Fleur said with a disapproving look, observing the man who was still feeling poorly. 

Sirius sat up abruptly staring at Morrigan, "You're pregnant." 

"I know," Morrigan stated bluntly. "You dickhead you got me pregnant." 

"What are we going to do?" Sirius asked the panic settling in. "There's a war, and you're in danger from the death eaters and what about medical care? How are we going to be able to get you to a doctor safely?" 

Morrigan grabbed his hands, "We'll figure it out yeah?"

Sirius nodded standing up before helping her from the floor. He pulled her into a tight hug pressing multiple kisses to the top of her head. "You're pregnant." 

She pulled away from him slightly, "Are you okay with this?" 

"Okay? I'm ecstatic!" Sirius said picking her up and twirling her around, "I know it's terrifying but can you imagine our kid and Remus's kid growing up together? How cute will that be!" 

"Really cute," Morrigan said with a bright smile. She looked over at Fleur who looked at the two with admiration. "Thank you Fleur, for everything." 

"It iz my pleasure," she said leading them back down the stairs, "I suppoze you do not weesh to tell Molly." 

"No, definitely not yet," Morrigan said, "not even Remus. Not until we're ready to ease people into the idea that we're together again." 

"Fleur!" Bill called from the front room, "I think Ron's back!" 

Fleur's face distorted into a state of panic as she rushed to Bill's side. They looked out the window, seeing a group of teens stood on the beach. Morrigan and Sirius followed the couple as they flung the door open running out of the house to see why they had more visitors. 

Morrigan looked over at Sirius, "I guess we picked a good day to visit." 

Sirius smirked looking down at her with a loving gaze, "Merlin I love you." 

Her heart thundered in her chest as she met his eyes. While they had rekindled their relationship, they still hadn't said those three little words again to one another. A game of cat and mouse that had run on between the two. "I love you too." 

"Morrigan?" Luna said in surprise, not having seen her since Bill and Fleur's wedding. 

"Luna!" Morrigan cheered pulling the girl into a hug. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm alright," she said her voice dreamlike, "it was rather grim in the malfoy's cellar. I think Harry will need you though, he's lost a friend." 

Both Sirius and Morrigan frowned, wondering who had died. They approached Harry carefully, not wanting to rush him, however as they saw the corpse of the house elf in his arms they understood his pain. 

"Harry," Morrigan said softly placing a hand on his shoulder. He didn't turn to look at her, instead acknowledging her presence with a small nod. 

Sirius took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Both of them looking on as Harry mourned another loss. 

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