Ch 72: Mid June Blues

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Morrigan wondered if there was a curse worse than boredom. The neverending feeling of being trapped in a house alone was enough to drive any person mad. Especially when at the end of the day her company was Bill and Fleur. Granted they had become close friends over the time of Morrigan's stay, however Morrigan found that there were certain quirks the two had that were driving her insane. For instance Fleur was quite frankly an utter mess. One wouldn't know it by looking at the beautiful witch, but Morrigan quickly learned that Fleur had a habit of tossing things all over the house and never tidying up after herself. 

Bill on the other hand would make a series of strange noises whenever he read. As if seeing an advertisement for pixie removal was the most interesting thing on the planet. Another habit he somehow possessed was the ability to leave every cupboard door open. Morrigan discovered cupboards she had no idea existed whenever she moved around the house, hitting her head, shin, and hips on the sharp corners of the doors. 

Covered in bruises and with a certainty that she will soon be descending into madness Morrigan had decided that she had enough for the night. That the couple were in need of their alone time. "Would you two mind if I stayed with Fred and George for a bit?" She asked, knowing that they would probably rejoice in the news that Morrigan would be moving out for a bit, if not forever. 

"Are you sure?" Bill asked, "we don't mind if you want to stay here." 

Morrigan looked at him confused, however as she went to open her mouth she was cut off by Fleur, "It iz no worry that you are here Morrigan. We are happy to have you. We woold not like to see you go." 

She looked between the two and shifted her weight into one hip, folding her arms as she narrowed her eyes at them, "Okay what's going on? If I had asked this last week, you would have been jumping for joy." 

"We were talking," Bill said moving from side to side, "and well... the house has never been better since you've been living here." 

"It iz nice to have a home cooked meal when we come 'ome from work, and ze cupboard doorz zey are clozed!" Fleur exclaimed obviously excited by the housework that Morrigan had been doing while the two were away. And it was true, the two were finding it a difficult adjustment having to get used to each other's habits, and Morrigan was a buffer of sorts who in her spare time, kept the house tidy and took care of basic things like meals and the dishes.

"And it's tidy!" Bill added, "it's so nice coming home to a tidy house." 

Morrigan shook her head smiling to herself, "You two realize that if you bothered to raise your arm and wave your wand, it would be tidy and the cabinets would be closed right?" 

"And ze 'ome cooked meals?" Fleur asked. 

"Boil some pasta in a pot, add some sauce, and call it a day," Morrigan said as though it were obvious. "But really, you two need some space, and frankly I can't sit around here all day by myself." 

"I thought you would have had practice, ya know, after being in hiding for over a year," Bill pointed out referencing what he assumed to be a lonely existence in Grimmauld Place. 

"Yeah, but Sirius kept me company all day, it wasn't like I was on my own. Even if he was just quietly there in the kitchen at least I wasn't talking to myself all the time!" Morrigan argued. "We spent our days talking, while I'm here I don't have anyone to talk to. Plus it's not like I can just walk out of the house to go meet new people!"

Fleur gave the girl a sympathetic smile understanding Morrigan's point of view, "I zink it woold be good for you to visit ze twins." 

"Thank you." 

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