Ch 27: Bruised Bodies and Hardened Hearts

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"What is going on?!" Morrigan cried out, perfectly awake now looking at the two men who looked like they wanted to kill each other. 

Owen looked at Morrigan with a slightly apologetic look, "I think your boyfriend should explain to you what he did to my sister." 

"Sirius?" Morrigan said tentatively. His eyes stayed glued to the floor. She felt small tears in her eyes, "You told me that it was one date, you guys had sex once, and that was all. Just friends afterwards. Did you lie to me?" 

"Yes," He mumbled so quietly no one could hear. 


"Yes!" He exclaimed loudly, "I lied to you and I am so sorry about that-" 

Morrigan looked at him horrified, "So you did something to hurt his sister so badly that you knew he would probably hit you, and you decided to invite him to Christmas? What were you thinking?!" 

"I wasn't I- I mean I was- I had a plan right-" 

"A plan?" Morrigan said her voice wavering, "A plan. You know what your only plan should have been Sirius? Telling me the fucking truth." 

"Morrigan it's not that simple-" 

"Not that simple? Sirius I told you I don't care about your past, I don't care what you've done as long as you're honest with me!" 

He looked at her silver eyes which were now slightly red from her wiping at them so vigorously, trying not to let tears fall. "Look I'll tell you what happened-" 

"Oh you will," Morrigan looked at him anger boiling in her veins, "you're going to tell me absolutely every last detail and then I'm going to decide whether or not I have to punch my boss for punching my boyfriend or not." 

Owens eyes went wide but he didn't dare speak. He had never seen Morrigan anything other than overly kind. Seeing her like this terrified him, he never expected the girl to be so intimidating. 

Sirius sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Look I- well... Okay one year we met Mary and Lily on the platform before boarding the train. The other girls were there too, our friends Marlene and Alice. Well that year Owen brought them to the platform instead of Mary's parents and the girls all freaked out about how attractive he was. So later that evening I told the boys I had a list of the girls from Hogwarts and I bet I can make them all fawn over me like they did him. I went through quite a lot and then I took Mary out, but she wasn't like the others who put out quickly so I had to put in a bit more effort. We went on dates to Hogsmeade, I told her things I never told people, and the entire time I knew I didn't like her romantically. Well we finally had sex and she came to surprise me one evening when she overheard me telling James that I could finally check her off my list..." 

Morrigan let the tears fall down her cheeks freely. She held a hand over her mouth to choke back a sob that so desperately wanted to force it's way from her throat out of her mouth. 

Sirius's face softened, "Look Morrigan, I was a jealous idiot, I've changed though. You know that I have, and I couldn't be more sorry for how I was back then. That's why I didn't tell you I didn't want you to think so little of me. Please-"

"You lied to me," she managed to get out. "You yelled at me after meeting my mum, accused me of cheating on you with not just one, but two different people, you then invite Owen to Christmas dinner and have a one sided pissing contest, and then tell me that you broke his sisters heart. What's worse is you did this all on Christmas." 

"Look I didn't want to-" 

"Want to what Sirius? Hurt me? Did you even think through what you were going to do? Can you even tell me what your intention was inviting him over for Christmas?" 

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