Ch 77: Chaos In Its Many Forms

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Molly was kind enough to let Sirius stay at the Burrow while he recovered, he was doing well with the aid of potions and salves, now able to walk around as if he were never injured, but the scar that now lay prominently on his chest told a different story. Both Molly and Sirius were aware that the trio were planning something, however none of them would confess as to what it was exactly, which only lead to Molly splitting them up to perform different tasks in preparation for Bill and Fleur's wedding that afternoon. 

Hermione was to help decorate the tent for the wedding, Ron to prepare rooms for the Delacours, and Harry was to clean the downstairs. Whenever they finished a task, Molly was quick to give them another, not allowing the three anytime to chat with one another. Morrigan caught onto this quickly, eying the Weasley matriarch suspiciously, but bit her tongue nevertheless. 

 It wasn't long before the Delacours arrived, excited to see their daughter getting married. Gabrielle, Fleur's younger sister, held a garment bag carefully which contained her gold dress. They all went upstairs, deciding they would greet Fleur and get ready for the ceremony together. 

Morrigan managed to excuse Hermione and Ginny from the wedding preparations under the guise of needing longer to get dressed than the boys did. The two girls were relieved that Morrigan was able to smooth talk Molly into letting them sit down for a moment. 

"I don't know how you do it Morrigan," Ginny said as she brushed out her hair, "I think you're the only person who has ever been able to sweet talk anyone." 

"It's a gift," Morrigan said with a wink. She sat on Ginny's bed watching as Hermione and Ginny began applying their makeup, indulging in gossip with one another.

While the girls were preoccupied, Morrigan stepped into her dress, shimmying it on. As soon as it was zipped Ginny turned around, her jaw dropping. "Where did you get that?! It's gorgeous!" 

Morrigan turned around, "I found it in London... is it too much?" 

"Not at all!" Ginny said reassuring her, "But you'll definitely rival some of Fleur's cousins!" 

Morrigan looked at herself in the mirror admiring the dress. It hit just below her knee, but was tight, hugging her curves perfectly, it had a slit running up the side of left leg ending at her upper thigh. The neckline plunged, showing enough cleavage to be daring, but covered enough to still be tasteful. The straps for the dress were thin and allowed her shoulders to poke out from beneath her grey hair. 

Hermione finally looked at her wondering what Ginny's outburst was about, "Remind me to take you dress shopping next time." 

The three burst into a fit of giggles, re focusing their efforts on getting ready once more. Morrigan painted her lips a bright red, and did a soft cat eye. She was adding her finishing touches when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" She called. 

Fleur poked her head into the room, "Iz it okay eef I join quickly?" 

"Of course!" Morrigan said gesturing for the girl to join them. 

Hermione and Ginny shared an annoyed glance, but Morrigan paid them no mind welcoming her friend. Fleur looked Morrigan up and down and smirked, "And who iz zis all for?" 

Morrigan looked at Fleur confused, "No one?" 

Fleur shook her head, "No one looks az good az zis for no one, you look stunning! I bet a zertain zomeone weel not be able to keep hiz eyez off of you." 

Morrigan fought the urge to roll her eyes at the witch, not wanting to bicker on her wedding day. "Are you nervous?" 

"Oui, I am very excited," Fleur answered, "Although, I am very worried I may treep." 

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