Ch 92: No Stone Unturned

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Morrigan and Sirius stood amongst the rubble of the castle looking at the destruction that was caused in a matter of hours, doing their best to tune out the cries of those who lost friends and family. Amongst the crowd were parents, their eyes red and faces full of despair from the loss of their children. Morrigan wondered what the death toll would be at the end of it all, if their sacrifice would be remembered or if they died nameless and afraid, determined to be unimportant by the scribes that write history. 

Sirius put on a brave face, refusing to waver when approached to be offered condolences. It was nearly the same face he wore when his family was discussed in his Hogwarts days. Stern and emotionless, yet a flicker of a frown showed how he truly felt. 

Grabbing Sirius's hand Morrigan tried her hardest to recall kind memories of the school, ones that wouldn't be tarnished by war. Hearing footsteps approach her Morrigan turned her head, "Pom, Minne," she said acknowledging their presence.

McGonagall gave her a curt nod, "We're going to say a few words soon, if you would like to join us." 

Morrigan nodded, "Yeah, we will."

Pomona looked at her former student with admiration, "I'm proud of you, and I'm sure Cedric would be proud of you too." 

"Thank you," Morrigan said softly, doing her best to keep her composure. 

"Black," McGonagall said shaking him from his thoughts, "I'm glad both you and miss Hale survived. You two were always favorites of mine." 

Sirius did his best to smile, "I've always known that Minnie." 

McGonagall lips curved upwards as she did her best to relieve the tension in the group, "Godric help me when I have to teach your child." 

"Shall we?" Pomona said gesturing towards the castle. 

The couple nodded following their heads of houses to the great hall. The journey was silent, neither professor knowing what to say to them. They used to be full of light and energy, yet there stood the shells of the people they once knew. 

The memorial was short, many feeling uneasy standing in the room, almost as if the school itself had turned into a cemetary. Harry was present, yet stood in the back by himself feeling a certain guilt and responsibility for the passing of so many-- even though the blame was not his. 

As the memorial ended Morrigan approached the Weasleys, placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder as he stood on the outskirts of the group. "You alright?" She asked. Charlie nodded, yet his face told her otherwise. Morrigan shot him a sympathetic smile, "It's not your fault. I can see you blaming yourself. If you hadn't of come in with reinforcements..." 

"It's not that," Charlie said quickly. "It's- it's Fred. I've missed so many family gatherings. Big moments that are lost forever and now I'll never get to know him. I won't get to see him get married, turn his shop into a success..." 

Morrigan sighed, "I understand. But I want you to know that he understood too. He loved you, you were the big brother who followed his dreams against your mums wishes. You were the rebellious Charlie Weasley who loved quidditch and dragons more than anything. You encouraged his pranks and laughed at his jokes and that's enough Charlie. Don't feel guilty over what you wish would have happened." 

Charlie wiped away a tear that formed in his eyes, "Thanks Morrigan." 

"Anytime," she said her gaze focused on the family. Bill and Fleur were stood next to one another, taking comfort in each others presence. Ginny stood with George who had gone silent his eyes not wavering from the stone floor. Ron and Percy did their best to comfort their parents, providing soothing phrases that they hoped would help. 

Morrigan glanced over her shoulder where Kingsley and Sirius stood both with stoic expressions, unwilling to reveal their true feelings, but relishing in the comfort that they both truly cherished Remus and Tonks. 

She left Charlies side, deciding that Harry had been left to his own devices long enough. Harry gave her a tight lipped smile as he acknowledged her presence. "Hi Morrigan," Harry said softly his voice fragile as it wavered. 

"I'm not going to ask if you're okay," Morrigan stated, "I know you're not, and I'm not going to have you lie to me. But I am going to say, if you need anything at all, I'm here for you. No matter what." 

Harry nodded seemingly swallowing a lump in his throat as he choked back tears, "Remus made me godfather for Teddy and I- I don't know what to do. I can't take care of a kid, but I don't want him to grow up like a I did." 

"Harry," Morrigan said, "no one's expecting you to care for Teddy. We had this conversation with Remus when he asked Sirius and I to be godparents as well. Andromeda, if she's willing, will take Teddy in. After that it's Sirius and I." 

Harry's shoulders relaxed, "Thanks Morrigan, I didn't want to fail anyone else." 

"You haven't failed anyone Harry," Morrigan reassured him. 

Harry dug around in his pocket and pursed his lips in contemplation. "I have to tell you something, but I don't know if Sirius can handle it just yet." 

"Alright," Morrigan nodded. 

"When I went to the forest to... I used the resurrection stone and I saw my parents again. They were with me before I died. So was Remus and then there was one other. He looked so similar to Sirius and that's when I knew that it was Regulus. He asked me to give you the stone. I didn't understand at the time but I think he knew that I was going to survive. But I didn't get the chance to ask why you needed the stone." 

"It's alright Harry, I'm sure we'll figure it out yeah?" 

"But Morrigan, in the story... using the stone is dangerous. He told me not to tell Sirius about it." 

Morrigan pressed her lips together, knowing that keeping such a large secret from Sirius would not only be difficult, but when he inevitably found out it could be disastrous. Yet she nodded, "I understand Harry, my dad used to read me the stories."

Harry placed the stone in her hand. "Keep it safe." 

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