Ch 81: The Reflections We Can't Stand

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The past week in Remus's small cottage had been plagued with uncomfortable tension. Remus spent most of his days enjoying long walks in the fields around his house, doing his best to remain in solitude and avoid Morrigan, who he had yet to properly apologize to. Sirius spent his days on the couch reading, or in the kitchen being taught by Morrigan how to cook certain dishes. Yet it wasn't all sarcastic and flirty comments. For the first few days, Morrigan was unsure of how to act around him. They always had an unspoken rule of not getting too emotional and it seemed that it had been tossed out of the window and lost forever.

It wasn't until after three days that she finally relaxed around him, going back to their usual banter. But the air of unspoken words was only replaced with sexual tension, and Morrigan couldn't tell which one she hated more. 

She was in the process of teaching Sirius how to bake a simple sponge cake, but everything was driving her mad. The small touches on her waist as he'd move past her in the cramped space. How his chest would press against her back as he'd take over something as simple as folding the batter. The bitten lips and longing gazes. All of it only reminded her that she hadn't had sex in three and a half months. 

Morrigan did play the same game as Sirius. Bending over when dropping a spoon, instead of crouching. Licking batter slowly off of a spoon or her finger. She refused to be the only sexually frustrated person in the house. Little did she realise that while she hadn't had release in many months, for Sirius it was much longer. And it took all of the self control and willpower he had within him not to bend her over Remus's kitchen table. 

"You know," Morrigan said watching Sirius, "the batter's supposed to stay in the bowl." 

Sirius smiled, "You could help you know." 

"Remember what happened last time we got a bit messy with cake batter? Think it's best if I just watch." Morrigan said using her finger to scoop of some of the spilled cake batter, she placed it in her mouth with an innocent expression. 

Watching her movements Sirius smirked, "Are you going to give me a taste?" 

Morrigan took her finger once more, collecting some of the spilled batter before holding out her finger to Sirius. He took a small step closer, and quickly Morrigan put her pointer finger in her mouth licking off the batter. "Sorry, it's just too good." 

Sirius licked his lips gazing at the grey haired girl in front of him with desire pooling inside of him. "Do you find some sort of sick pleasure in torturing me?" 

"Yeah," she grinned moving around him to pour the cake batter in the tin. She opened the oven placing the cake inside. She set a small timer and looked up at Sirius, "Who would've thought the notorious Sirius Black is spending his time in hiding baking cakes." 

"I can think of other ways to spend my time," he said with a wink. 

"I'm sure you can, I have the perfect one actually," she replied twirling a lock of grey hair around her finger. 

"Whatever you want." 

"Perfect. You can do the dishes," she said happily patting him on the shoulder before grabbing a book and sitting down on the couch. 

Remus who had caught the tail end of their interaction snorted while he laughed, earning a glare from Sirius. Morrigan had immersed herself in her book, not listening into Sirius and Remus who were now tidying the kitchen. 

Remus spoke quietly, "I wish I had what you two have." 

Sirius frowned slightly as he placed the dishes on the side, "You do have it. With Tonks." 

"Not what you two have," Remus sighed, "That ability to be able to be playful and laugh with one another, even in the worst of circumstances." 

"Are you trying to talk yourself out of loving Tonks or do you truly feel like you rushed into things too quickly?" Sirius asked before saying the incantation for the dishes to wash themselves. 

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