Ch 73: The First Rain Before The Storm

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Morrigan walked the hallways of Hogwarts with Remus and Sirius. The three received word from Dumbledore that death eaters would try to enter Hogwarts, the thought alone causing them to abandon their afternoons activities and arrive at their old school. The usual comfort that Hogwarts provided the three had gone, instead an unsettled air hung around them. 

Sirius glanced at Morrigan his shoulders tensed, "Do you have you knife with you?" 

She looked at him confused, "How do you know about the knife?" 

"Do you have it?" He asked desperate for the information. 

"Yeah," she confirmed. "Now can you tell me how you know about the knife?" 

He let out the breath he was holding, relieved that Morrigan in fact had it on her, "A while before you and MacDonald broke up, he told me to make sure you have that knife on you at all times." 

Morrigan pursed her lips, her brows knitted together in thought as they climbed the stairs to an upper corridor, "Did my dad say anything to you about the knife?" 

"No," Sirius said his eyes trailing across the portraits that hung on the walls, "but he told me that it was important he found you. It's why I told him where you were, even though I knew you wouldn't have wanted to see him." 

"I'm glad you told him, if you hadn't I wouldn't have gotten at least some closure, though I did hate you at the time for it." She shot him a smile, indicating that she was no longer upset with him for the action. 

Remus gazed at the hallway recounting his previous years walking through it, "It's odd being back isn't it?" 

"It is," Morrigan agreed, "if you want I can help recreate some of your fondest Hogwarts memories with me." 

"Which one? The time I caught you nearly shagging someone, the times you publicly embarrassed me, or what about the time I caught you stoned?" Remus asked, the sarcasm in his voice obvious, yet it didn't deter Morrigan.

"I mean I can do all three at the same time if you're that enthusiastic," Morrigan joked causing Remus to roll his eyes. 

Sirius shook his head as he laughed, "You never fail to surprise me little wolf." 

"I'm glad I can still keep you on your toes," Morrigan chirped her eyes peering into each classroom as they walked past. 

"Morrigan!" A voice called, causing the three to turn abruptly. 

"Neville?" Morrigan said peering down the corridor at the boy whose face looked pale with fright, "is everything alright?" 

He shook his head, "They're in the castle, you need to come quick." 

The three broke out into a sprint behind Neville, making their way to a corridor where Tonks, Bill and Fleur were already battling a group of death eaters. Spells were being flung carelessly in every direction, the distinct green of the killing curse being seen through the remnants of the Peruvian Instant Darkness powder, which caused a haze in the corridor obscuring the vision of everyone battling. It would have been surprising if there wasn't some form of friendly fire amongst the chaos.

"Morrigan," Sirius said quickly looking at the grey haired witch, "Please don't die." 

"I'll do my best," she replied watching as he turned and joined Ron, the two wizards throwing spells at death eaters. 

Morrigan glanced to her side, seeing Ginny in a fierce duel with one of the Carrow siblings. She ran over casting every jinx and offensive spell she could think of, while Ginny dodged all of the Carrows attacks. "Alright Ginny?" Morrigan yelled over the chaos. 

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