Ch 80: The Wounds We Lick Clean

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Morrigan knew she wouldn't receive an especially warm welcome, however after having three questions yelled at her at once she couldn't help but laugh, small tears coming out of her eyes. "I'm sorry one at a time because that was far too much." 

Harry who's wand was pointed at her chest spoke clearly, "What was the first meal Morrigan Hale ever made for me?"

"Mac n' cheese," Morrigan stated, "because you looked like you needed comfort food. Before I made it I asked if you were lactose intolerant because I use so much dairy it would be enough to kill you." 

The three backed down, "Sorry," Harry stated, "it's been a rough week." 

"Oh I know, Sirius and I are with Remus. I was on the receiving end of a pretty ugly argument," Morrigan joked. 

Hermione threw her arms around her, "Thank god you're here." 

Morrigan returned the hug a puzzled expression on her lips, "Are you all alright? No one's injured right?" 

"No," Harry said, "but we're having a difficult time getting Kreacher to do us a favor, and then Remus had a go at us, and we're all arguing and-" 

"Have you all eaten?" Morrigan asked interrupting his rambles. 

Ron shook his head, "I'm bloody starving." 

She gave them a kind smile, "I'll cook you all some dinner, you're all probably hungry, tired, and stressed. Never a good combination." 

They followed her into the kitchen, "So what are you doing here Morrigan? I thought everyone was supposed to stay away?" Hermione pondered aloud. 

"Well, Remus decided to have a go at me because I've known since the wedding that Tonks was pregnant." Morrigan explained pulling pans down from the shelves, "Figured if he yelled at you lot the same that tensions would be running a bit high." 

"So you're not here to persuade us to let you join?" Harry asked slightly puzzled. 

"Of course not," Morrigan replied, "last two times I fought with you lot I got stabbed, then a concussion. I don't really fancy doing that again any time soon." The trio looked amongst each other uncomfortably. She rolled her eyes, "My hair gives me away, and if they caught me with you, they'd kill you all without hesitation. Bellatrix has a bit of a bounty on me. Which is why I'm only here for the evening. So all of your dramatics will have to be brief." 

"Well we have one problem you may be able to solve," Hermione said hesitantly, "we need Kreacher to find Mundungus Fletcher for us. But he refuses to do so." 

Morrigan nodded, "Where is he?" Upon seeing the unknowing glances the trio shared she decided to call for the elf. "Kreacher?" 

He apparated in an instant, "Miss Hale is back? Kreacher is happy to help Miss Hale with what she needs." 

"It's good to see you Kreacher, I'm only here for the night, but I promise to make you some lemon cake before I go," she said kindly watching the elfs face light up. 

"Kreacher would like that very much." 

"Honestly how does she do that?" Ron whispered to Harry. 

Morrigan crouched down so she was at the same height as Kreacher, "Would you be able to help us with something? I'm sure you know wars broken out and none of us will be safe until Harry helps to defeat you-know-who. They need you to bring someone to them. Mundungus Fletcher." 

"Kreacher is happy to serve," he nodded. 

"Wait until the morning," Morrigan said pausing before showing her sentimentality towards the house elf, "I missed you Kreacher." 

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