Ch 82: The Fleeting Feeling Of Safety

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Remus invested his time in keeping up with the coming and goings of the Orders allies. Morrigan's words struck a chord within him, now solely focused on proving to himself and others that if he had a child, they would be proud of him. He gathered information through letters and meetings in various locations, passing it on to both Sirius and Morrigan who were pleasantly surprised with Remus's sudden shift in attitude. 

The September sun was nice to walk in during the day, both Morrigan and Sirius appreciating the ability to leave the house every once in a while. They grew comfortable with their routine. Morrigan teaching Sirius something new every day, then going for a long walk to tire themselves out. Sitting down for dinner followed by books, conversation, and firewhiskey. 

It was comfortable, a routine they had previously and didn't find difficult to slip back into. Remus couldn't wrap his head around how the two were so content with living so simply. He found himself going stir crazy, itching to write further letters, wanting to go to meetings or be a host on Potterwatch. And while he couldn't fathom how they found comfort in these times, he was glad that they did. 

Morrigan sang in the kitchen, dancing along to the music that played while making a batch of muffins. Sirius pretended to read, yet found his eyes watching her fondly. He hadn't heard this album before, and assumed that Remus must have picked it up for her while he was visiting one of the many unnamed informants. 

Sirius was so lost in his own world that he jumped slightly when Remus sat down next to him. Remus held back his laughter, "You were drooling Padfoot." 

"Shut up," Sirius muttered closing his book. 

"Honestly what are the two of you waiting for?" Remus asked. 

"It's only been four months Remus," Sirius pointed out. "I just want to give her time." 

Remus sighed shaking his head, "Time is something none of us have much of at the moment." 

Sirius folded his arms as he looked at Remus, "Says the man who's still hiding from his wife." 

Remus's face fell, he stood up and walked out of the house abruptly. Tonks had been a touchy subject for the lycanthrope. Remus's short temper was easily tested when she was brought up, yet all Morrigan and Sirius wanted to do was help. Both knowing that Tonks was probably crushed by his absence. 

Morrigan heard the door slam and visibly cringed. She looked over at Sirius, "Did you bring up Tonks?" 

"Yeah," he said running his hand through his hair.

"Alright I'll take this one," she said as she closed the oven door. "Can you take out the muffins when they're done please?" 

"Sure," Sirius said with a small smile, watching as she walked out of the house after Remus. 

When Morrigan finally caught up to him she was out of breath, "Helga Remus, can you slow down? Some of us weren't blessed with giant legs." 

Remus stopped, allowing Morrigan to catch her breath. "What do you want Morrigan?" 

"To see if you're okay," she said with a shrug.

"I'm fine. You can go back inside now," Remus stated. 

"Oh stop being such a twat," Morrigan snapped startling Remus. "Ruin your own life for all I care, but stop making Sirius and I walk on eggshells around you! It's hell living with you Remus Lupin, for crying out loud, either fix things with Tonks or end it. Stop bringing her up every goddamn day before running around trying to get yourself killed. While it's admirable and I'm so happy for you, you're behaving like a self centered dickhead!" 

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