Ch 86: The Pitfalls of The Heart

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Morrigan knew that storming out with Sirius did nothing to prove Remus wrong, but she couldn't help the anger that bubbled under her skin. She had done nothing but take care of herself and others over the past few months and to question her ability to love and care for a child hurt her more than she had let on. 

It didn't take long for an owl to reach Robins cabin, a well formed apology written on a letter inside. Morrigan pulled out a piece of parchment penning her response. 

Dear Remus

I know that Sirius and I partially came as a shock, but Merlin you are horrible with celebrations. While you want what is best for us, you have to realise that you deeply hurt your best friends feelings. We haven't put labels on what we are, nor are we ready to. Not because we're hiding things from one another, but because we are in the middle of a war, struggling to hold on to our little piece of heaven amongst all the atrocities on our doorstep. 

Certainly you can understand this

So you can make us godparents, or find someone else. Either way, I'll love that kid like it's my own because you and Tonks are family. No matter how much you piss me off sometimes. If we had known you two were wondering if we were together for the sake of choosing godparents we would not have joked around so much, truthfully we were hoping to make Tonks laugh. 

I suppose what I'm saying is that I accept your apology, but for your childs sake (and don't get upset with me for this) control your anger. You aren't upset with Sirius and I for being together, I think you're upset because we have this honeymoon life that you wanted to have with Tonks, but a surprise child got in the way. 

I shouldn't be giving you our house, it's far too dangerous. But if Sirius mopes around for weeks on end I'll lose my mind. So please arrive to Robin's Cabin in Nottingham, Sherwood Forest. Bring Whiskey and Cigarettes. 

Your Little Wolf 

P.S. We still wouldn't mind being godparents. 

Morrigan sent the owl with her reply, and looked over at Sirius who had a deep frown on his features, his eyes staring into the fire. He sighed, "Honestly I don't understand I thought he'd be happy." 

"I know," Morrigan sympathized sitting down next to him, "and I think he is. I think he's just under a lot of stress from Tonks pregnancy and keeping her safe. I'm sure he didn't mean to offend us, but it is a valid concern for him to have when he knows that there's a chance they may not survive the war."

"I get that," Sirius said, "it's just that- he's my best friend. He should know better than anyone that I'd do anything for his kid." 

"I'm sure he knows, but you know Remus, he's smart but doesn't think before he speaks when it comes to ways of the heart." 

Sirius nodded, not wanting to say anything further on the matter. He knew Morrigan was right, that Remus had a slew of problems that he hadn't taken the time to sort out, probably because he was always so busy making sure that James and Sirius stayed out of trouble. However, it didn't mean that he wasn't still hurt by his actions. 

Morrigan pressed her lips to his cheek. She didn't get a response from him so she did it once more, before trailing small kisses down his neck. A pout formed on her lips, and she smirked to herself. She stood up from the couch making her way in between his legs and pushed his chest lightly so he was fully laid back. 

"What are you doing?" Sirius asked a smile appearing on his lips. 

"I want to make you feel good," she replied letting her hands trail from his chest to his waistband. 

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