Ch 8: Bitten and Bruised Lips

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Christmas arrived sooner than anticipated for Sirius and Morrigan. The day before they frantically cleaned the house, checking under every couch, table, and chair for discarded clothing that would reveal how active the two had been. Since their first night together, they realized they were unable to stop. Spending their days thinking of the others touch, doing anything to grab each others attention. Only ever stopping when they had company. 

Morrigan and Sirius waited for their guests in the kitchen both sipping on a glass of champagne. She glanced over the table where the food was carefully presented. "I'm a bit worried that I didn't make enough." 

Sirius chuckled at the girl, "Morrigan you made enough to feed Hogwarts, I'm sure everyone's going to be pleased with it." 

She nodded her eyes still scanning for anything she may have missed. Sirius couldn't help but admire the girls spirit, she had been carefully preparing food for the past two days shooing off any attention from him in an effort to make sure that Christmas was perfect for everyone. He grabbed her hand causing her to turn her head towards him. "Sirius I-" 

He pressed his lips to hers interrupting whatever nervous rant she was about to start. His hand cupped her cheek keeping her in place. The kiss was gentle and soft, a stark contrast to their usual passionate embraces that more often than not left their lips bitten and bruised. He pulled away letting his thumb brush against her face tenderly, "It's perfect." 

Morrigan opened her mouth, but couldn't find the right words to say. She stared at him searching for any sign on his face to give away his intentions. The sound of the front door opening caused him to pull his hand away and walk away from the stunned woman. She quickly pulled herself together, readjusting the grey sweater she was wearing and walking towards her guests. 

Molly Weasley stood in the corridor ushering her sons inside, "Morrigan!" she cheered greeting the girl and walking straight past Sirius who gave her a playfully offended look. "Merry Christmas, dear." 

"Thank you Molly," Morrigan said meeting the woman for a hug. 

"You haven't met my older sons," she said as she walked with everyone into the kitchen to get out of the cramped hall. "The one with the longest hair is Bill my oldest," she said pointing to the tall ginger who grinned as he heard his name being called, "and this is my second oldest Charlie." 

Charlie Weasley had recognized the girl realizing that she was in her early years at Hogwarts when he had graduated, "I remember you, you still have the same hair color," he pointed out. 

"That's typically how hair works," she said her voice holding a teasing tone. 

"Sorry," Charlie said rubbing the back of his neck, "I just meant- I mean-" 

"Your hairs very pretty," Bill said saving his brother from further embarrassment.

"Thank you," Morrigan said before turning to Arthur, "And you must be Molly's husband! Thank you for getting the stereo and CD's for me. It was way too quiet around here without it." 

Arthur's face lit up, "Yes! You'll have to show me how to use it. I understand it's for music but how do the mini records work?" 

Molly gave her husband a stern look, "You can discuss those things after dinner. Can you put the presents under the tree?" 

Arthur complied with his wife's request knowing after their many years of marriage when to pick his battles. He gave Morrigan a look that said we'll discuss later, receiving a bright smile from her in return. Even with just four of the Weasleys in the house, it felt brighter. 

A voice in the doorway greeted everyone, "Merry Christmas! Sorry I'm late!" 

"Remus," Sirius greeted bringing his friend in for a hug, "It's good to see you mate." 

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