Ch 55: The Plot Twists of Repeated History

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The bitter chill of December hit and while snow had yet to reach London, the icy pavements and frost covered glass gave away Christmas's approach. Morrigan stood behind the bar her fingers drumming on the wood waiting for Owen to return from depositing the surplus of cash at the bank. She sighed hating the quiet environment, only the faint background music keeping her company. 

Her moods shifted ever so slightly like gentle waves on the shore. There were days where she was completely fine, happily chatting and feeling herself. And other days where she needed an extra bit of care from Owen. She was grateful for everything he did for her, recognizing when she needed a bit of alone time or when she needed him by her side.

She was so lost in her daydream that she hadn't heard the door to the pub creak open. Seeing a figure out of the corner of her eye she shook herself awake and looked over, a frown forming on her lips, "What the hell are you all doing here?" 

Alastor huffed, "Lovely greeting Hale." 

"Sorry I just didn't expect to see those two in the same roo, let alone here." She stared her parents down, her eyes narrowed. 

"We need to talk to you Morrigan," Apollo said, "trust me I'm not happy about this either." 

Morrigan shook her head, "For fucks sake, what is this? You two are suddenly all buddied up? How'd you manage that?" 

"Don't be daft," Epona said, "I'm not here for him. I'm here to sort out the things we were meant to do on your eighteenth." 

"Two years late for that," Morrigan said bitterly. 

"Can you just let us talk to you Morrigan?" Apollo asked. 

"Fine, but be quick. I want you gone before Owen gets back," Morrigan said eying her parents. 

Her mother pursed her lips at the new name looking over her daughter suspiciously, "What happened to that man you were seeing? The one you decided was more important than your own mother." 

Morrigan took a deep breath doing her best not to yell at her mother. Alastor Moody watched on uncomfortably unsure of what the grey haired witch was going to do. Morrigan's fist clenched, her nails digging into her palm, "I'm not with him anymore, I'm sure you're very pleased about that mother." 

Epona examined her daughter carefully, "I'm surprised," she said, "the way you argued-" 

"I'd rather not talk about it Epona," Morrigan snapped her silver eyes daring her mother to say another word. 

"How about we discuss why we're here so your mother can return to whatever hole they pulled her out of," Apollo said gesturing for the women to sit at the nearby table. 

The two begrudgingly joined him the chairs scraping across the bars floors as they pulled them out to sit down. Alastor sat at the bar a sour look on his face obviously displeased with having to be in the room while the family had their reunion. 

Morrigan looked between the two, "Well go on then, I need you two to leave as quickly as possible." 

Epona frowned, "And why's that Morrigan? Have another secret boyfriend you don't want your mother to meet?" 

"Yes," Morrigan said as though it were obvious. 

"You can't be serious Morrigan-" 

"No that was my ex," Morrigan interrupted a proud smile on her lips as she watched her mothers face contort first into a look of confusion, but then into flat out annoyance.

"That isn't funny Morrigan," Epona scolded, however according to Apollos snort and small chuckle, the statement was actually quite amusing. "So who is he? Another wizard?" 

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