Ch 5: Temptation Is A Fun But Dangerous Game

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Sirius sat in his bed his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He kissed her. The look she gave him afterwards was unforgettable. It replayed in his mind poisoning any other thoughts that dared to enter. It was the way she turned back around, the smile she sent him. He wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. There was no one he could talk to about it. He wouldn't dare inform Remus who already seemed against the idea of anything more than a platonic relationship between Sirius and Morrigan. He couldn't ask James for his advice. He realized he didn't have many others to rely on. What would Harry say, his godfather and his friend? 

Sirius came to the conclusion he didn't really care. He wanted to do it again. 


Sirius woke up, his eyes heavy, head pounding. He could feel the lack of sleep taking a toll on him. He groaned as he got out of bed slipping on some gray pajama bottoms and forgoing a shirt. It was the first morning he hadn't gotten properly dressed before heading downstairs. He could smell Morrigan's cooking, the scent of bacon carried itself through the halls making him salivate. He knew it would be worse if he avoided her, so he descended the stairs. 

Morrigan's voice could be heard just outside the kitchen as she sung, happily cooking a full breakfast for the two of them, using her wand to clean the dishes. It originally struck Sirius as odd that Morrigan liked to do so many things the muggle way, but as he watched her work over the months he realized it was because it was satisfying. The products were of her labour, not magic. She had created things with her own two hands, instead of sitting around and letting magic take care of her life. Perhaps it was the feeling of being productive that motivated her. It was something he admired about the girl. 

He had gotten into the habit of leaning against the doorframe and watching her in the morning. There was something angelic about the way she sung and moved around the space. He noted that today she was singing along to the beatles, a band him and James used to listen to on repeat. He couldn't help the smile on his face, his hands in his pockets. 

Morrigan saw him out of the corner of her eye, "It's almost ready! I got a bit carried away this morning." 

"Take your time darling," he replied content with this being their morning routine. It provided an eagerness for him to get out of bed, something he hadn't felt in years. 

Morrigan finished placing the food on the table for them and turned to face Sirius. It was then that she had noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. Her eyes found the tattoos she had been wondering about and she subconsciously licked her lips. 

Sirius moved to take his seat at the table, "You're drooling." 

Morrigan's cheeks warmed slightly as she took her seat and poured herself a cup of coffee, "Of course I was, I had been wondering what was underneath and who knows when I'll be seeing it again."  

Over breakfast neither one of them brought up the kiss from the night before instead they snuck glances at one another while the other wasn't looking. It was a comfortable silence as they ate, knives and forks scraping against plates being the only sound. Even with the tension hanging in the air they enjoyed each other's company.  

She took their plates bringing them over to the sink letting them dunk themselves into the water and wash themselves with magic. She felt his presence behind her and saw his hands pressed firmly against the ledge of the sink either side of her. She turned around and instantly found his eyes. She had never been taken so off guard, she was usually the one in control of whatever games she had decided to play. The role reversal was different, but she loved it. She felt desire pooling within her. 

"You've been staring all morning," Sirius said his height and presence dominating over her smaller frame. 

"There's a lot to stare at," she said letting her fingers trace over some of the tattoos on his chest, causing goosebumps to appear on his arms. 

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