Ch 29: Love and Happiness are not Synonymous

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Morrigan arrived at the Diggory's house with her trunk in hand. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She had spent her summers at the house, but she was never there without Cedric. It felt wrong to be there without him by her side, cracking a joke about her hair or whichever boy she was seeing at the time. She exhaled letting go of the breath she was holding and knocked on the door. 

Agnes Diggory opened it shocked to see the grey haired girl on her doorstep, "Morrigan." She breathed. She quickly realized that the girl must be freezing stood on the doorstep, "Come in! Please." 

Morrigan stepped inside the home, it was a small cottage in the hills. The interior was warm and similar to the burrow, however it was less cluttered and had the signature Hufflepuff feel to it. Amos poked his head around the corner delighted to see Morrigan, "You're here!" He quickly wrapped her in a fatherly hug. "We've missed you Morrigan." 

She felt tears prick at her eyes, "I've missed you two so much." 

"Come in, sit down dear, let me get you something to eat," Agnes said her voice melodic and comforting to the young witch. 

"Are you alright?" Amos asked, "I know I said no questions, but I feel like this one won't hurt much." 

Morrigan giggled at the comment, "I'm okay Mr. Diggory. I just- well... it's complicated." 

"But you're safe?" Amos pressed the concern on his features obvious. 

She nodded, "I'm safe." 

"Well then, why don't we all sit down for dinner, butterbeer? What kind of question is that of course you'd like a butterbeer!" He went into the kitchen and fished out a few bottles as Agnes dished up dinner. He handed her a mug and she gratefully took it from him. "You must be excited, you have New Years Eve tomorrow! Will you be spending it with that secret boyfriend of yours?" 

Morrigan wondered that herself. She didn't really know what boundaries to put up with Sirius, but as soon as she truly questioned it she realized that it didn't matter. The pub was going to be packed and that was where she was needed. "No, I'll be working actually. New Years Eve is a big celebration for muggles so the pub will be quite full." 

"Amos mentioned something about you working at a muggle pub," Agnes said from the kitchen, "it must be so exciting! Do you get to meet lots of interesting people?" 

"Yes actually!" Morrigan said happily, "it's been really fun, I'm always happy to chat with a stranger for hours. I've actually been considering attending muggle university as well." 

"Really," Amos said with a smile, "I bet Arthur Weasley would be ecstatic to hear about that. What will you be studying?" 

"Design. I re did the house I was staying at, as well as the pub I've been working in. The Weasley twins have also hired me to do the interior of their shop in Diagon Alley, I'll be moving in there in a few days... which is- well I was wondering if I could stay here until then? I won't be around much and I'll try not to get in the way-" 

"Morrigan," Amos interrupted, "we would love to have you here." 

Agnes entered the room with plates in hand, setting one down in front of Morrigan, "You'll always be welcome in our home, you're like our own daughter. You had no idea how worried we were when you disappeared on us." 

"I'm so sorry about that I-" Morrigan wondered if she was allowed to say, but she figured since the man in question had his soul sucked out, it would be alright. "I only told you that my mum was attacked by deatheaters, that's not the full story. I stabbed one of them, I thought I had killed them. So Dumbledore placed me in hiding. I just wish I would have been at Hogwarts that year with Cedric." 

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