Ch 45: Lips That Taste Of Liquor

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Harry had decided to spend a few days at Grimmauld Place. While he didn't say it aloud more than once he did need Sirius in his life. He craved any information Sirius had on his parents, always listening attentively while Sirius recounted their days at Hogwarts. All the mischief that he and James had gotten into, the scolding that would come from Lily. It painted a picture of his parents love story. Harry often began to wonder what his future lovelife would look like, would he fall for someone as hard as James had fallen for Lily, or would it be more of a slow development like Remus and Tonks? 

The one thing that Harry lacked, which Morrigan often tried to teach him, was tactfulness. He had many questions and a mind that couldn't ever filter when they were appropriate to ask or not. "The way my dad felt for my mum, is that how you feel about Morrigan?" 

Sirius opened his mouth but then closed it. He didn't exactly know how to answer Harry's question. He promised the boy he would be honest as long as Harry didn't ask any questions about the Order, and while this wasn't a question about the Order, Sirius didn't know how to describe his love for Morrigan. It wasn't strong and eager like James, it wasn't full of longing looks like Tonks and Remus, nor was it a warm comfort like Molly and Arthurs. It was different. "To be honest Harry I don't know how to describe Morrigan and I, but I know that I love her and that we did love each other for a while there."

"What does that mean?" Harry pressed confused with the last portion of his statement. 

Sirius ran a hand through his hair, "Morrigan is one of the most fiercely loyal people I have ever met in my life. She proved that by trying to die for me. We love each other, I don't think that we will ever stop loving each other, and I don't think much is going to sway me from believing that she is the love of my life. She's it for me, but I may be one of the unlucky few who don't get the girl in the end." 

Harry frowned, he went to ask another question but Sirius sighed stopping Harry from saying anything, "How about you visit Morrigan today? I know she misses you." 

While Harry was usually oblivious to when he needed to back off, the look on Sirius's face told him that it would be best for him to leave his godfather be. So he nodded politely, said goodbye, and ventured out of the house. 

Morrigan leant against the bar watching as Owen did the pubs finances while they waited for guests. While the summer weather was lovely, it meant that they had fewer customers, most wanting to go to bars with patios or beer gardens. She couldn't blame anyone, she too wished she could sit in a garden and sip on a gin and tonic while watching the world go by. 

"Where's the glasses MacDonald? I miss the sexy librarian look you had going on there," Morrian teased. 

Owen rolled his eyes playfully, "Really Morrigan? I am technically your boss I could be making you do some of the shit jobs." 

"Oh like a punishment? Well I'm already bent over, so if you want you could walk around this bar and-" 

The door opened to the pub and Morrigan's head turned to see who had entered, "Harry!" She cheered, leaving her previous statement hanging in the air, Owen's cheeks burning as he wondered how she would have finished the statement. 

Harry smiled at the girl giving her a hug, "It's good to see you Morrigan." 

She lead him over to the bar where the two sat on the high back chairs, "So tell me what's going on? It's been ages since I've heard from you." 

"I know," Harry said sheepishly, "I'm sorry I was a bit worried that you blamed me for what happened..." 

"Harry," she said softly, "I could never. Nothing that happened is your fault yeah?" 

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